Ch. 5: "Who Am I?"

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6:30 AM.

Deku's vision is starting to recover. There's not just black anymore. His vision goes from viewing a blur to a clearer picture. He hears echos of both Ururaka and Toga in mixtures.

'... Have you had enough...?'

'... Deku please! We're gonna save you!...'

'... This was a lot of fun, Izu-kun. I had a great time with you...'

'... Deku, please wake up! Don't leave me!...'

'... If you want more, meet me in the alleyway near the last villain's den...'

Deku finally regains consciousness and sees Ururaka crying over him, as well as the rest of his friends with looks of despair.


Ururaka gasps and looks up with teary eyes.

"D-Deku...!" She hugs him tighter and proceeds to cry harder.

"I thought you were dead! I'm so glad you're alive! I was so scared!"

The other classmates held their heads up, all of them still dressed in their sleepwear.

"W-What... W-What happened to me...?"

"You were attacked last night..." Iida explains. He walks closer and pushes his glasses up. "Mineta was headed towards the bathroom when he heard a different voice coming from your room. He alerted the girls, and they managed to get your door open. By the time we all got to you, you had already lost a lot of blood, so you passed out."

"... I... I don't know what to say..." Deku shudders and is on the verge of tears.

"You don't have to say anything. All that matters is that you're safe now." Todoroki says. 

Bakugo steps forward, "Idiot! Why didn't you speak up?! We could have helped you if you'd just yelled something, anything! Why did you stay quiet and let it happen?!"

"She told me... If I tried calling for help... she would slit my throat..."

The classmates all shivered from the words.

"A-And I didn't want to risk her hurting anyone else... I wanted you guys to be safe..."

Bakugo gets angrier, "Ugh! Don't pretend to be the savior here! We could have taken care of it ourselves if you jus-"

"Bakugo! Enough!" Iida looks back at him.

"Now's not the time to think of what could have been done. What matters is what has been done." Todoroki gathers the attention of all the classmates, "And what has been done... Is unforgivable..."

"Alright students, you've all payed your visits, it's best to leave Midoriya alone to rest for now. Might I remind you all of the time?"

All the students realize Mr. Aizawa's claims and walk back to their dorms to either get ready or take a power nap.

"Ururaka! You heading back or what?"

"In a minute, Mr Aizawa! Please..."

Mr. Aizawa sighs, "You've got five. Spend it wisely."

He leaves the room, leaving only Deku and Ururaka.

"Jee, I hope I can make a quick enough recovery, I can't miss too many days of school, hah... heh... uh..." Deku tries to soften the situation but fails as Ururaka faces down with a dark look over her eyes.

"Deku, When... she... was hurting you... Did you really... s-start to l-like it?"

'What?! No! I know I didn't! I don't know where she got an idea like that! ... Or-'

"... U-Ururaka, I-"

"You did... You did like it! You would've said no right away if you didn't!"

"Wait, no! Ururaka, I didn't enjoy any of it at all, I swear!"

"...When Jiro was listening to you guys... She told us everything you two were saying... And we heard you say it! You said it yourself... that you wanted more... that you were her slave...! That's so wrong... So wrong!"

Deku tenses up and starts fighting back the physical pain, "Ururaka, please!"

"That wasn't you, Deku! This isn't you! Whoever you were then, you aren't the same now!"

Tsu heads back into the room and grabs Ururaka from behind and begins dragging her back to the door, "Ururaka, you need to leave him alone!"

Deku stares in shock as Ururaka is still yelling to him, "Come back, Deku! Please, for God's sake, I want the old Deku back...!"

The door shuts and young Midoriya is all alone.

"... Is it true...?" He sobs, "...Am I really not the same person as before?"

His head is drifting in vast nothingness.

'Did I really start to like it...? I did. Yeah. I started to like it a little. But I felt so powerless... So stupid... So... worthless... Is... Is that why I enjoyed it? Do I find pleasure in pain...? Happiness in humiliation...?'

Deku groans and yells out, "Ugh! What is wrong with me?!"

He slams his pillow over his head and curls into the fetal position. He begins to cry, all alone, and with the worst possible thoughts accompanying him.


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