Ch. 2: "Wait! You're Not Ururaka!"

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Deku laid on his bed. Eyes closed, but not snoring. The talk with Tsu really made him think of his actions.

'I'm glad to have seen everyone comforting her, I mean we are a close class after all.'

He opens his eyes and shifts onto his side, facing the wall and looking out the window.

'... But I still can't help but feel... guilty. We may have saved Kachaan... but at the cost of all our teachers' trust... and they knew the others were told about it and chose not to stop us... it's all our fault...'

He cringes at his thoughts, "... It's my fault..."

He perks up and hears the door click open.

"... D-Deku...?" says Ururaka.

"Wh-huh?! Ururaka?!" Deku flicks up facing the door, confused and bashful.

He vaguely thinks to himself, 'That's weird, I could have sworn I locked the door...'

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you...!" Ururaka says in a quiet shout.

"N-No, it's fine! I wasn't asleep yet! What are you doing here?"

"I-I was just going to see if you were okay... you know, after that talk with Tsu and everything..."

Deku blushes, "Oh, ah-heh, I didn't know you'd take my feelings about that so seriously..."

"I see... I'm sorry to bother you, I just wanted to know you were okay. I'll go back to my dorm room now..." Ururaka turns back with a sad expression.

"N-No, I didn't mean it like that! W-We can just sit down and talk about it if you really want t-"

Ururaka turns right back with a shining gaze, "Really?!"

Deku, taken aback, "U-Uh, yeah! I-If that's what you wanna do r-right now..."

She shuts the door and hops on the bed next to Deku, "Well, I guess you could just consider this visit a sleepover now! Hehe!"

Deku convulses sporadically, "Woah woah woah, a sleepover?! Ururaka, as fun as that sounds to you, I'm pretty sure the administration separated the boys' and girls' dorms for a reaso-"

Ururaka ignores his statement and snuggles up close to him letting out a big yawn, "Ya know Deku, I know you may not notice it that much, but I really enjoy every time we talk..."

Deku's cheeks turn as pink as a rose, "... Do you really mean that?"

Ururaka grasps onto his arm and gets closer to him, "I would never lie to you, Deku... You know that."

"Oh, yeah, of course I do! I just, this is all so sudden, I-"

Ururaka put one finger on Deku's lips, " Hush, Deku... can I ask you something...?"

Deku begins to reciprocate, putting his arm around her to cuddle, "Yeah, sure, anything Ururaka."

She acts more seriously, "...Do you really like me...?"

Deku is now feeling a burning sensation in his respiratory, "D-D-Do I, uh, uhm, do I what now?!"

She puts her hand on his cheek, feeling the heat, "I see the way you look at me sometimes... It wasn't obvious until I started looking into your eyes... the look in your eyes made me certain..."

Deku now gets tense, "I-I'm sure it was just dust in my eye! Yeah! I-I must've been rubbing my eyes too much! To be honest, it did start flaring up recently, but I swear, it's no-"

"Deku... please..." Ururaka sits up and moves her body onto Deku's. He's paralyzed with a hormonal sensation.

"Tell me... do you... love me?" she whispers into his ear comfortingly.

"...Ururaka, I-"

"Please, Deku... I just wanna know... I wanna hear you say it... no more games..."

Deku takes an elongated swallow and musters up the courage, "...Y-Yes... I... I love you... I loved you ever since the first time I saw you..."

"Oh, Deku! I knew it! I've been waiting to hear you say that for so long..."

She kisses him smack dab on the lips. He's taken aback. "Mmph! Ururaka...!"

"Your lips are so soft, Deku... please, let me do it again..."

Deku's mind was going absolutely bonfire nuts, 'Oh God, how could I pass up an opportunity like this?! No, this is wrong! What if we get caught?! I'll definitely get expelled! This is crazy! Why am I doing this?! B-But it feels... so...'

Deku's thoughts are cut off as Uraraka leans in for another kiss. And another one. And another one. She eventually upgraded to a full blown make-out session. She stuck her tongue as deep into his mouth as she feasibly could. Deku began to moan in both pleasure and in struggle. He could barely breathe with the way she was hugging face with him.

'Jeez, I didn't think Ururaka would be so... aggressive... has she... done this before...?'

Ururaka hauls back as Deku gasps for air. He coughs and clears his throat, "Please, j-just give me a moment to breathe..."

She ignores his request with one of her own, "Deku, I want your tongue... give it to me, please..."

Deku shudders and studders, "Y-You what?! Y-You want me to-"

"Yes, do it, do it for me, please...!" She looks at him with lustful eyes and a mouth dripping with both their saliva.

"Uh... O-Okay, I'll do my best...!"

The moment Deku slips a small peek of his tongue, Ururaka immediately starts going to town. She instantly starts sucking on his tongue, surprising him and causing his whole tongue to slide out and into her oral cavity. His tongue started to ache from the vigorous mouth wrestling.

'Dear lord! No amount of All-Might's training could have prepared me for something like this!'

She finally pauses and sits up on top of Deku, giving herself time to indulge on Deku's vocal fluids.

Swallowing, "Ahhh... so quenching...", she wipes the drip of spit off her bottom lip, leaving a web of saliva connecting from her mouth to her thumb.

Deku watches all these little details and transcends in his virgin thoughts, "U-Ururaka... h-have you done this before...?"

Ururaka grins widely and giggles, "Goodness, Deku... I would never even think of having my first time with anyone other than you..."

Deku laughs in a painfully awkward manner, looking away for a moment out of embarrassment, "Hah! Heheh, heh, w-well I didn't know I was that lucky of a choice, but, that's jus-"

Deku looks back, slowly sinking in what is happening now. Ururaka is melting.

Deku starts to have an episode, "Ah! Oh God! Ururaka! W-What the heck is happening to you?! I-Is this part of your quirk?! D-Did I use too much tongue?!"

The ooze spills off and reveals the true deviant disguised as Ururaka.

"Do you remember me, Izu-kun?" Toga says as she giggles with a spark in her eyes.


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