Ch. 6: "I Knew You'd Come Back!"

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5:00 PM.

A couple days have passed since the incident with young Midoriya. He's recovered from his wounds fairly quickly. The only wound that has left a noticeable scar is the one on his neck, left from Toga's gnarly bite.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said about Deku's mental state.

It is afternoon at the UA dorms. The girls are all chatting and eating an afternoon snack together that Sato cooked up for them. Most of the boys stare at him with jealousy.

"... I mean, if I had a quirk that gave me the advantage of being an expert cook, I'd get all the girls, too...!" Mineta spills with envy.

"I guess girls really do only want one thing: food." Kirishima says with an unsurprised expression.

"Hey, has anyone seen Izuku at all? He hasn't opened up his door since classes ended. I feel as if he isn't even in his room." Iida says with worry.

"Please, even if you did get his door open I doubt he'd say anything anyway. He hasn't spoken to any of us since the incident." Tokoyami says with his head down.

Iida replies with a scold, "Well for God's sake you guys! Sure, he may just be another classmate, but he's still our friend! The least we could do is try to talk to him!"

Ururaka speaks bluntly, "I'll come with you, Iida." The boys are all caught off guard and spooked from Ururaka sneaking up behind them.

Tsuyu also chimes in, "I will too. If you guys don't care enough to come, fine by us." She gathers with Ururaka and Iida and the three of them start walking.

"Ugh. Well now we have to go with or else we'll look like the bad guys!" Bakugo spits out with disgust.

"Well, it's not like we were doing anything important. Although, Sato looks to be a little busy. Best we go, too." Todoroki leads the guys following after Iida and the others.

The guys catch up to Iida, Ururaka, and Tsu knocking on Deku's door.

"... Deku? It's me, Ururaka... please let us in. You can't just shut us out like this. We're your friends, we're here for you!"

"Yes, Midoriya! She is correct! If there is anything you must talk to us about, we will listen!" Iida says in his classic class rep voice.

But not a sound came from Deku's door.

Bakugo begins to get impatient, "We're wasting our time! Look nerd, you've got five seconds to open this door or I'll do it for you!" Bakugo puts his hand on the door handle preparing to blast the lock open.

Iida is put off, "Bakugo, wait! They just fixed that doo-"

Bakugo blasts the whole handle off, smoke emitting from where the handle used to be. He kicks the door open. Deku is nowhere to be found.

Ururaka is in shock, "...No!"

Iida analyses, "He must have been gone for hours! Did anyone even see him come to the dorms in the first place?!"

Bakugo fumes and screams out, "That little nerd! We're gonna find you and destroy your little freak of a girlfriend, you hear me?!"


3:55 PM.

A black portal is seen forming in a secluded alleyway.

"You must've done something greatly sinister to get Izuku Midoriya to obey all of your orders, Toga." Kurogiri says as he is about to close the portal.

"What can I say? I'm the perfect fit for this job!" She says as she has Deku on his knees tied up next to her.

"You better keep him alive once you're done with him. I'm sure it will not take much convincing to make him join our side at this point." Kurogiri says sternly.

"Oh, don't worry. He survived once, he'll survive again. Hehe! If hes lucky!" Toga gets skiddish and excited, more so than when she first got her hands all over young Midoriya.

Kurogiri closes the portal and leaves Toga all alone with Deku, mentally distraught and empty inside.

"Oh, I'm so excited to go on our first date, Izu-kun! You came back to me just like I asked! I knew you loved me!" Toga jumps up in excitement.

"... Did it have to be in an alleyway?" Deku says unamused.

"Hey, don't be such a downer! You know what they say, it's about the journey, not the destination!" She drags him deeper in the alleyway wretches and sits him against a brick wall, "And are we gonna have quite the journey... hehehe!"

Deku says under his breath, unsure if he means it as a threat, or a beg, "...Do your worst..."


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