Ch. 4: "He's Not Your Slave!"

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Mineta and the girls sneak up to the hallway with Deku's room.

Yaoyorozu exclaims, "Hm... We can't just barge in without any assessment, Jiro, use your quirk and try to listen in on Deku's room..."

Jiro obliges, sneaks in a little closer and plugs her ear into the wall.

Toga is heard, "Awww, you're turning white as a ghost, Izu-kun! I've got so much of your blood, I'm gonna run out of canisters! Have you had enough?"

Jiro relays the message, "She's draining his blood...!"

The girls let out a light gasp.

Ururaka then has a flashback, 'No... Not h-her...'

she says with anxiety, "What are we waiting for...?! Let's stop her...!"

Jiro holds up her hand, "Wait...! Deku is saying something...!"

Deku replies to Toga, "No... I w-want m-more..."

Jiro is in disbelief, "He says... h-he wants m-more?!"

All the girls gasp once more as Ururaka shudders with dark thoughts.

Toga is heard again, "Who's my good little slave...?"

Deku then says, "Me... I am your slave..."

Jiro begins to blush with alarm, "H-He said, he's her s-slave...?"

Ururaka loses it. She launches herself up and runs straight to Deku's door.

  Yaoyorozu yells out, "Ururaka! No!"  

Ururaka immediately starts ramming into it trying to open it with brute force.

"Deku! Deku please! We're gonna save you! Just hang in there!"

Toga hears them without being phased, "My my, looks like they're too late. This was a lot of fun, Izu-kun. I had a great time with you." 

She whispers into his ear as he's on the verge of losing consciousness, "If you want more, meet me in the alleyway near the last villain's den..."

Toga then proceeds to hold her breath.

The door is busted open by a battering ram that Yaoyorozu conjured up with her quirk. Ururaka runs to Deku, all cut up, bloodied, and bruised. Toga is nowhere to be found.

"Deku! Oh God, Deku, are you alright?!" Ururaka cradles his head in her arms. "Oh God, what did she do to you?!"

Everyone observes the injuries Deku sustained. The bite marks on his neck are drained, and there are cuts all over his abdomen.

Deku lets out his last couple of breaths, "...U-Ururaka...?"

Ururaka starts to cry, "I'm here! I'm here, Deku! Tell us, please, who did this to you! Please tell us!"

Deku tries to respond, "It was... I-It... w-was..."

He closes his eyes and proceeds to go into a coma.

Ururaka fumes with confusion and sadness, "Deku...? Deku?! Deku, please wake up! Don't leave me!"

The other guys run out of their dorm rooms and gather with the girls in Deku's room.

Iida shouts out without a hint of tiredness, "What the hell is going on?!"

The guys shove through and see lonely Ururaka holding Deku in her hands sobbing loudly.

"My God... No..." Iida runs straight to Deku and picks him up. Ururaka stays where she is, completely lost and still crying.

"We need to get to the hospital! Now! Everyone out of the way!" Iida runs straight out the door as everyone follows. Tsu comes over to Ururaka and grabs her arm.

"Come on, Ururaka! We need to follow them!"

Ururaka is mumbling to herself now, "Why...? Why would he say that? He called himself a slave... a slave?! Why?! He would neve-"

Tsu tugs her, "Don't think about it! We have to make sure he's okay, now come on!"

As they catch up, Ururaka continues yearning, "Oh God... Oh, God!"


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