Ch. 8: "No... Don't Leave Me!"

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5:30 PM.

Toga looks towards Ururaka, stunned with fear.

"Ururaka! Don't look! Please!" Deku blurts out as he struggles to maintain composure.

'Crap! I'm about to-'

Deku twitches and moans loudly with both pain and relief.

"Hehe... looks like you're too late, little Ururaka..." Toga sits and stays on Deku.

"You monster! I'm... I'm gonna end you!" Ururaka touches a bunch of trash cans and debris and prepares to throw all of them.

Iida catches up, "Ururaka, no! Remember what the administration said! We cannot kill any villains! No matte-"

Toga lifts her skirt exposing her dripping rear end, "Oh? Is that so? Then I guess I don't have to worry about losing my expected young for a second. Hehe! So satisfying!"

Iida and Ururaka look at her with utter disgust and confusion. Deku laid there still in utter defeat.

Iida still tries to remain calm, "We are going to take you in! You will pay for everything you've done! Your punishment will be beyond comrehensio-"

"Oh, spare me the spiel, I give up. I've had my way, and I'm guaranteed not to die. The heros win once again..." Toga puts her hands up mockingly.

"Why, you little-" Ururaka spits out as Iida stops her. They slowly start walking towards her cautiously.

"... But just one more thing..." Toga slips her knife out of her sleeve and slams it down on Deku's chest.

"Aaagh!" Deku cries out as he coughs up blood.

"N-Nooo!" Ururaka screams as she kneels down on the ground having lost all hope in a millisecond. Iida is stunned standing still next to her.

"Just keeping my end of the bargain. Izu-kun did beg me over and over to kill him. I'm just giving him what he wants! Hehe!" Toga says without a care in the world as she stands up with her hands behind her head.

Toga then quickly feels a jolt of panic as Bakugo grabs hold of her from behind with his hand positioned on her back, charging up.

"If you expect me to listen to the rules..." Bakugo blasts Toga's innards out through the front, splattering all of her guts across all the alley way brick walls, dumpsters, and trash cans.

Bakugo spits the bit of giblet off his mouth, "You've got another thing coming..."

Toga drops to her knees, uttering her last words, "... D-Deku... M-My baby...?" she falls over on her side, flat lined before she even hits the ground.

Ururaka throws up immediately after processing everything she just saw. Iida tries to say something, "Bakugo... Y-You realize what you j-us-"

Bakugo interrupts him, "Shut it, four-eyes! Get your asses over here!" He walks to Deku's body and stares over him, with unsure emotions.

The other students catch up and can barely hold their stomachs from all the things that they are visualizing. Regardless, they all gather around Deku's body, mortified by the damage.

Ururaka takes the blindfold off of Deku and looks at the knife, unsure of what to do.

"Don't remove it... it's already too late... Please... don't look at me you guys..."Deku mutters as the classmates look down in utter grief.

"Oh Deku... I'm so sorry... We all should have come sooner..." Ururaka puts a blanket over him to stop him from shivering and recover what's left of his dignity.

"Y-You guys... All came to look for me... W-Why? I-"

Bakugo interjects, "Because we care about you!" He says, taking every classmate by surprise, out of all the students that say it, it was Bakugo.

"K-Kachaan..." Deku mumbles.

"Ugh! I'm not the right person to say this, but if it weren't for you, we'd..." Bakugo looks away. The other classmates are now in heavy anticipation of what he has to say.

"... We wouldn't have been class A. Todoroki wouldn't have awakened his true power, Ururaka would have given up against me, Iida wouldn't have been the class rep, and... and I could've been a villain... without you... you... idiot..." Bakugo hangs his head shedding a single tear.

Deku lets everything sink in, "... I... I never thought about how important I was to everyone..."

Ururaka cradles his head, just like she did the first time, "You are more important than you could ever fathom, Deku...! You're like family...!"

Deku lets out his last laugh and says, "Heheh... I... I love you guys... You all made me... glad to be alive..."

Deku's smile radiated as all the students felt the genuine connection. For a moment, everyone was happy. But then things quickly fell again as Deku stopped breathing.

"D-Deku? ...Deku! Please, not again! Don't leave me again! Don't leave for good!" Ururaka hold his now lifeless corpse close to her and begins to cry harder than she's ever cried in her life.

Bakugo still looks away from all the classmates, because he too is crying.

Everyone in class A was sobbing. Nobody had a clue what to do now except for mourn for their deceased peer.

The cops showed up to the scene, realizing there's no immediate threat, they head towards the kids.

"Hey! You kids alright?!" The cops eyeball the dead body and all the kids crying. They put two and two together and quickly clear out all the kids, requesting an ambulance.

The whole class is hanging by the police cars, each student being questioned by an officer one at a time.

Ururaka leans against one of the cars with Iida as she utters, "This is it... We lost... It's all over..."


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