Ch. 7: "Kill Me..."

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4:00 PM.

Toga cuts the rope off of Deku. As she expected, he doesn't try to run away. He remains still and silent.

"I taught you so well, Deku-kun..." Toga seductively bends over and gets close to his face.

"Are you ready for this date...?" She says as she slowly rips his shirt.

In an apathetic tone, Deku replies, "I don't think you can consider rape... a date..."

Toga swings back up in a sassy manner, "Well, alright Mr. Serious Pants. But I think you're forgetting that it's not rape unless you don't want it..." She plops down on him and slides her hands down his chest, she smiles "I don't see you stopping me..."

'Damnit... She's right... My curiosity is through the roof... I mean, it's not like I have anything waiting for me back at the school... Everybody thinks I'm a freak now... I'm doing them all a favor by disappearing...'

Deku grabs Toga's uniform by the collar with one hand and says in a dark tone, "Do it. Make me suffer..."

Toga, majorly turned on, obliges, "Oh, Deku baby, you don't know how hot you sound right now..."

Her blushing intensifies. The excited expression on her face is now more exaggerated than ever, almost to a feral level. She does not hesitate. She whips out her knife and begins stabbing him in his arm. Deku remains mostly unphased, trying to hold back all the intense pain.

'This is it... This is how I'm going to die...'

She takes off her panties and slides Deku's pants off his legs.

'I'm no hero... I'm no better than a villain...'

Toga proceeds to blindfold him with the cloth of what's left of his shirt.

'How can I save my friends if I can't even save myself...?'

Toga uses the rest of the rope to tie his hands up and holds one rope around his neck.

Toga is out of control, "I'm gonna make you scream, and I'm gonna bear your children! After that, I know I won't need you anymore!"

'She's really gonna kill me... after she has her way with me... Good...'

She slams her nether region on his Detroit Smash and begins taking matters into her own hands. Deku cocks back from surprise and can't help but let out a loud moan.

"Yes, Izu-kun! I want you to scream! Do it more! Louder!" Toga tightens the rope around Deku's neck, suffocating him.

She begins to bounce harder, "Oh God, I love when you make that face! It's just like the one you made when I first saw you!"

Deku is broken, 'Please... make it stop... Make it all go away...'

Deku lets out a whimper, "Please...! end it, just kill me already!"

Toga blushes even brighter, "Yes, beg for me to take your life more, I'm getting so close!"

'Oh no... I am, too... Oh God, not like this... I don't want my kid to be born from something like this... whatever... It doesn't matter... None of this matters...'

"I'm... gonna..."

"You're gonna what, Izu-kun?!" She tightens the rope around his neck even tighter.

"I-Im...! A-About to...!" Deku's vision fades to stars and blackness, but he still feels every slam Toga is making on his body, in fact, he feels her speed up.

"Yes, Deku! Do it! Do it for me! I want every bit of it inside me!" Toga puts her legs up and starts to go faster. She grabs onto his arms and digs her thumbs into his wounds.

"... Deku?!" Ururaka screams in the distance.


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