Chapter 2

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Kanej x Parents

-Kaz booking the best suite in Ketterdam for Inej's parents

-Inej inviting him to stay over to dinner on that first night

-Kaz almost refusing (he didn't want to intrude on such an intimate family reunion) but Inej's grip on his own hand is so tight that he can feel her anxiety and immediately wants to be there to support her.

- All of them sitting on the floor of the large living room after dinner whilst Inej recounts everything that happened to her.

- Inej completely breaking down when she comes to the bit about the Menagerie and Kaz pulling her into his chest while she takes a moment to quietly sob.

- Inej's parents crying as well and thanking Kaz a thousand times for what he did for her, even though he tries (and fails) to convince them of how the merits of his decision was tactical and purely logical.

- Inej finally calming down and then recounting her time with the Dregs and the job in the Ice Court. Telling her parents about all the lives that she has taken and insisting that the Saints will never forgive her.

- Kaz not being able to bear this and outwardly insults the Saints as he attempts to console her, telling her that she is the most kindhearted and beautiful person that he has ever known and that the Saints can go and stuff themselves.

- Inej's parents not knowing what to make of this, but what they do know is that this Kaz Brekker is the one for their daughter.

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