Split Apart

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"Everyone follow me!" Black Diamond says to us. We all start to run through a large forest. We soon reach a large, beautiful castle. "Here is my castle. Now hurry inside." She demands. We listen and run inside her castle. "How on earth did you do that?" Pyro says to Black. "I have the power to control astronomical objects." She responds.

Black looks over to see the Obsidian Twins. "Well hello there, Snow and Obsidian. I haven't seen you in awhile. How was the mission going before some people interrupted?" She says to them. "It was going good, then I found Opal and everything changed. We were supposed to be on the other side of Homeworld by now." Snow said to Black.

Black hadn't noticed that Pink was with us. Once she finally did, she picks Pink up and talks to her. I fly up into the air and watch to see if anyone was near. I look towards Red's castle and see a roaming eye flying towards us. I fly back down and find everyone else.

"We need to hide. They have roaming eyes looking for us." I say to everybody. Verdelite looks at me. "Then let's take it down." He says. He grabs Blue's hand and starts to form Chrysoprase. Snow grabs my hand and starts to dance with me at the same time.

Bloodstone's POV
I look and see Chrysoprase running out the castle. I start to follow him outside. "Where is it now?" He says. I fly up and poke my head up above the trees. It starts to fly very close to me. "It's right there." I tell him. He starts to walk through the tall trees that barely covered our head.

"Once we get under it, we're going to stab both sides of it." He tells me. I nod and walk behind it until it stops. I summon my weapon and swing up. My scythe impales it and threw it up in the air. Chrysoprase hits it with his hammer and it flies away in a ball of metal. We walk back to the castle and unfuse.

Opal's POV
We walk back over to Black. We walk inside the castle to see beautiful chandeliers and decor.

A few hours later, I hear a low grumble and look at Snow. He just shrugs, then looks at Black. She is looking straight at the front entrance in shock. I look over to see Green Diamond outside the door. "You're all gonna pay for your crimes. You all... are COMING WITH ME!" She yells. She creates a cube of rock around the castle and lifts us off the ground.

She makes the wall too thick to cut through and starts to walk away. She keeps us close to her, even though we were in a cube of hard rock. "We can't do anything. We just have to let it happen." I say to everyone. We all sit sit down and just wait for whatever was going to happen.

After a while, we feel Green put us down and lower the wall. "Welcome to Red Diamonds Prison. You all will stay here...forever." She says before walking off and laughing maniacally. I look over to Black. "Can't you do something?" I ask her. She just shakes her head. "I tried. I tried so much. They put a seal on this to where no gems can use powers." She says.

I lift my hand and try to make fire. A few sparks show up, but it ultimately fails. I try to summon my wings as well, and it fails. Snow summons his scythe and tries to cut through the walls of the prison. He runs up the stairs to the door. He hardens his hand into obsidian and punches the door.

After a few tries, he gives up and sits by the door. I look at him and look back to the others. "We need to find a way to get out." I tell them. "How?" Snow asks me. "I've tried." He says. "There has to be some way." I tell him. Black diamond just looks at us and holds her hand up. "I don't know if this is will work, but let's use our weapons together on the door." She says.

We summon our weapons and run to the door. Verdelite starts to hit the door with his war hammer. Black summons a mini gun type thing and it shoots the door. Pink throws shields and hit the door with them. Snow hits the door with his obsidian hands while I burn the door with my flaming sickle. Pyro tried to stab the door with the help of Citrine.

After much time of effort, cutting, punching, and slamming, the door breaks down and flies across the prison floor. Red runs out and and summons three corrupted gems in front of us. "You go back in there or die." She says. Black just looks at her and creates a ball of energy in her hand and launches it at Red.

Red flies across the room and hits a wall. I look at a staircase and see Tank calling Green Diamond. Then, Tank shoots a teleportation pad underneath us. It opens up and we are all suddenly teleported to the top of a random plateau.

I look over to see Green. "You will pay for what you have done." She says. She extends her arms and I feel the ground shake from under us. I summon my weapon and charge for her. As I'm running, the ground opens from under us and we all fall to the bottom. Green just looks at us from above and laughs. "Have fun in a kindergarten." She says before walking off.

I look over to everyone and see them getting back up. Snow walks over and helps me stand up. I start to look around before noticing a tiny cave. I walk over to it before noticing two gems just sitting in it. "H-hello?" I say to them. They look over at me and run up to me. "Oh my gosh. Another gem? Are you okay?" One gem asks me.

I nod to her and have her follow me out. "This is Blue, Verdelite, Black Diamond, Snow, Obsidian, Citrine, Pyro, and Pink Diamond." I tell her. "And I'm Opal." They just nod. "I'm Malaya Garnet, but you can call my Garnet. This is Rose Quartz." She tells me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her. She just looks at me and looks to Rose Quartz. "We've been trapped down here for days." She tells us. I look at them and smile. "Then let's get you out of here."

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