Something is wrong with my neighbors

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Last Wednesday my girlfriend (Mandy) and I (Kevin) were watching some movies before I left for work. I work thirds shift so this was about 8:00 p.m. about two hours before I leave. Mandy got up and went into the kitchen to get some snacks when I heard her call my name.

"Kev, could you come here?" she sounded a bit nervous.

Wondering what the hell she was on edge so suddenly for I walked out to the kitchen to investigate.

"What's wrong babe?" I said rounding the corner into the kitchen, looking around.

"Umm....." She said, pointing out the window.

I walked up to the window and I looked out. At first it was hard to see my neighbor Brittany outside. So I walked over turned the kitchen light off making it easier to see out the window. As soon as I hit the switch, Mandy gasped and clutched her hands over her mouth.

"What babe?" I jogged over there.

I looked out the window and was shocked to say the least. My neighbor was doing her damn husband in her yard, staring straight at us with a blank stare.

"What is she doing?" I kinda chuckled.

Mandy looked at me nervously. I looked out the window and didn't really know what to think of the situation. After a moment or two of her standing there on her hands, I decided to go out and ask her what she was doing. I figured she was just messing with us in a weird... stupid sort of way.

" I'm gonna go see what she's doing." I said, turning to walk away.

" Babe come on, I don't like this it seems... weird" This was definitely not funny to Mandy.

" I'll be back in a minute." I shrugged her off and went to grab my jacket.

Mandy watched nervously as I headed out my back door. It was a pretty chilly night as its only March so I shivered and turned to walk over to their house. I got to the corner of my house to where I should have seen Brittany, standing there in her backyard, but I didn't.


It made me jump as I whirled around to see Mandy hitting the window waving me in frantically.

"What?" I said shrugging my shoulders at her.

She pointed frantically over at my neighbors in a panicked way, and it looked like she was scared shitless. I looked back to their house again and nearly shit my pants. Brittany was standing next to her house, only something seemed very off. She was smiling widely and her eyes were completely bugged out, like she was super surprised or something. I automatically began to back up slowly, this didn't feel right at all and I definitely didn't feel safe at that moment.

" Kevin come here... I want to show you something." Brittany whispered.

I shook my head no at her and kept backing away. She slowly stepped forward, keeping pace with me. She was maybe ten feet away. I turned and ran full blast to my house. I could hear her laughing like a lunatic as she began chasing me. Thank god that as I rounded the corner Mandy had the door open and ready for me to run in because Brittany was faster than shit. Just as Mandy closed the door behind me I heard Brittany slam into the door with a sickening thud. I thought for sure there was going to be some damage to the door as she repeatedly pounded on the door while laughing.

" Brittany I'm going to call the cops if you don't leave! and you're paying for my damn door if you break it!" I shouted angrily.

Suddenly all the noise stopped and Mandy and I stared at each other waiting for some sort of noise. Mandy was sobbing quietly, she was terrified and I didn't blame her. We heard nothing but still sat there. I had a good idea of going to my bedroom and looking out the window to see if she left.

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