A ladder to the sun

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Just starting off with the fact my birthday is next week so I will be posting like crazy and probably marking this book as finished on my birthday. So yeah I hope y'all enjoy this and let's get on to the story !

No one believed Cassidy when she said she had a ladder to the sun in her closet. She was the biggest braggart in third grade. Even I, who still believed in the tooth fairy, didn't believe her.

She would go on and on about how if she ever got cold she could just climb her ladder and sit there with Mr. Sun in his room. He was warm, she said, emitted bright light that chased the shadows away. One day Cassidy invited me over to her house. We sat in her room, playing with dolls, until she got up to use the bathroom, saying she'd be right back. While she was gone, my eyes were drawn to her closet. Looking behind me to make sure she wasn't there, I opened the door and looked up. I saw a tiny door in the ceiling. I stepped on one of her stuffed animals and it squeaked. Slowly, the door swung open above me. Looking up, I saw two bulbous yellow lights floating above a thin mouth. A great heat erupted suddenly and I yelled, stumbling out of the closet and closing the door behind me.

I left soon after that and never questioned Cassidy again. I even believed her stories that her parents were fighting and ignoring her, but then again, everyone believed that. One day, Cassidy came to school in bright spirits, compared to the depression she had been in for weeks about her parents upcoming divorce. She said that Mr. Sun had said she could live with him in his warm room. Everyone mocked and ridiculed her, except me. I had seen him. I begged her not to, but she just brushed me off and said she was happy with her decision.

Cassidy wasn't at school the next day. A few days later our teacher tearfully explained to the class that she had passed away. Everyone was sad, especially me. I had always felt sorry for her.

The parents tried to keep the details away from us kids but Logan's dad was the police chief and he had over heard what they had found.

Cassidy had a ladder in her closet that lead to the attic. When she didn't come down to breakfast her mom went up and saw it was down. Climbing up, she discovered her, all black and red and burned to a crisp. There were scorch makes all along the open window and down the tree right outside, followed by foot prints of burnt grass leading into the woods behind the house.

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