The Lady In The Corner

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This incident occurred in my living room though, not in my bedroom.

If you were to enter the front door of the house and walk straight to the end of the living room, a small door would lead to the upstairs. To the right of it were two big wooden doors for my fathers bedroom, to the left of a chair. The chair faced away from my fathers room, towards the tv. Against the wall, left of the front door was a couch that faced the small stair door. If you laid down, using the armrest as a headrest, you could face the tv corner or door corner. To the right of the tv corner is the dining room/kitchen and so on.

I was on my room at first and, like most nights, I would wake up to some noise... this time it came from in my room. It was the floor creaking like someone was walking on it. I kept my eyes closed and listened, pretending to sleep... whatever it was stopped right in front of my face and I could feel it was there.

My breath slowed down. I was struck with fear and wanted to tell my brother who slept on the top bunk bed, but was too afraid. I peeked open my eye just the slightest bit and saw a white figure in front of me. I closed my eyes again and just stayed still, hopeful that it would leave me alone. Eventually I peeked again... it was gone. My fear dulled but was still there... This next part makes the hairs on my entire body stand up.

I put my blanket over my head to venture off to my fathers room (I had a real thing for believing my blanket could protect me) but as soon as I hit the dining room I felt like there were multiple people, standing around me watching me... I was scared to the point of tears but kept walking, thinking my blanket will protect me against whatever my is in my house.

When I get to the bug double wooden doors to his room, they were locked! I couldn't go back to my room, or the dining room... I decided it was best if I laid down on the couch and just stayed under my blanket and go to sleep. Finally, I fell asleep.

I wake up again for some reason, around 3:30-4:00 in the morning. I looked into the top of the tv corner, and there she was... the upper half of an elderly lady, staring at me. She was somewhat blurry but her eyes were darker than her pale body. Then I hear it.. She speaks to me. Its words were long and slow, feminine and impatient... "Cody....Cody... come outside and play with me"

I froze for a second and then screamed and threw my blanket over my head and went back to sleep. In the morning, I told everyone and my brother seemed to believe me. He later told me, that night he saw a white figure next to him staring at him while he pretended to sleep... That first figure I saw, staring at him...

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