The Faceless Man

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It was during the time that my parents decided to move across Country to a small area in Massachusetts. My little sister and I decided to go to sleep for a little bit so we could pass some hours, it was then that my parents stopped in the middle of the road. There was a strange man standing in the middle of the road blocking our path. He wore a grey Hoodie and had short black hair. As time passed by the man decided to walk into the woods where he vanished.

We were all shaken up by the encounter. What was he doing there? Why did he just stop dead in the road? For what ever reason he was there I'm glad that we kept going and didn't look back. When we finally made it to the new house we all were extremely exhausted, and decided to finish unpacking in the morning. We all aired up our air mattress and fell quickly asleep,when at around 3am I was awoken by something stomping upstairs.

It was weird because all my family was in the living room on air mattresses. I got up and slowly creeped up the stairs, when the noises suddenly stopped. My body froze as I saw the door open. I screamed and ran down the stairs, waking everyone in the house. My dad rushed up and demanded to know why I was screaming.

I told him that someone was upstairs, he decided to go take a look thinking the guy we saw on the road had followed us home. To my surprise he found nothing, not a single person was upstairs. My dad was very angry with me and told me to go back to bed. I had a hard time falling asleep after that.

When I finally went to sleep I dreamt of the same man only he had no face, only a big grey blur where his eyes, mouth, and nose should be. Let's just say that I didn't sleep good that night. I hope I never see him again.

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