Do The Right Thing

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We had a plan. Break in while the Parker couple were at their daughters recital, take whatever we can throw in the backseat, get out before they get back. But shit hit the fan, and I was now sitting in the corner of the living room wondering what the hell to do next.

"Oh my god, can someone shut that brat up!?" Justin snapped as he paced around the room, running his hand through his bleach destroyed hair. His ski mask was clutched tightly in his other hand as he gritted his teeth.

Brian didn't get up from where he was sitting, his eyes were still closed. He was probably trying to seem calm but you could see the rigidness in his shoulders from a mile away. " Justin, yelling isn't going to help. sit down, your pissing me off."

"Do you think he's dead?"

My head jerked over to where Tyler was sitting, his leg bouncing up and down, an anxious habit of his. I sighed and planted my face in my hands. " Tyler. you shot him in the head."

"Y-yeah, but the TV said he was being rushed to the hospital! Maybe he's just fine! I don't wanna go down for murder!" Tyler seemed to grow even paler as he realized he might've killed a man.

Justin almost lunged for Tyler, only to have Brian grab him by the back of the shirt and yank him by the back of the shirt back down to the couch. " Tyler, it's not looking good, but if you stay calm, I can fix this screw up." Brian glanced over to the chair, where a six year old girl was handcuffed to the arm. " Besides we still have leverage."

"Leverage that is seriously going to make me want to kill myself if she doesn't stop crying!" Justin glared violently at the kid and I felt my stomach twist. The girl hiccuped before she went back to bawling.

Knowing that if she didn't shut up she could get us in more trouble, I got up and walked over to the chair, sitting beside the little girl. She whimpered and shied away as I got close, I just gently rested a hand on hers.

"Hey, I'm Miles, what's your name?" I said quietly.

The little girl sniffled, wiping off her round cheeks with her sleeve. "A... Abigail," She said quietly.

"Abigail. That's a nice name. I have a sister about your age named Kaitlyn." I managed to force a smile to try to look friendly. "Hey, we'll give you back to your dad's, as soon as this is all over. I promise."

Justin snorted and I nearly got up to punch him in the head, but Abigail gripped my hand so tightly I thought one of my fingers might pop off. Her dark eyes looked up hopefully at me. " I'm really hungry, Mr. Miles," She whined.

RIght. Kids got hungry. I looked around the room. " I'll check the fridge, do you like pizza?" Judging by how Abigail's eyes lit up, she was onboard for pizza. I don't think I've ever met a kid who wasn't onboard for pizza though.

I headed into the kitchen and looked through our almost bare fridge. I swore quietly as I realized the only frozen pizza we had left was badly freezer burned. Ick. No way I was giving that to the kid. There wasn't much else in there either, and the fridge only had what was probably molded over refried beans and two bears left out of a six pack. Yeah, that wasn't going to happen.

I shut the fridge and turned around to see Brian. I nearly jumped out of my skin, the guy could be quieter than death. "Jesus, man! Watcha want?" I Asked.

"Can we put the kid in your room?"

Brian had a very calm way talking, not much could make him raise his voice. I shrugged. "Don't really care, why?"

"Justin's getting pissed off and it's scaring her. If we shove her in your room, she'll probably calm down so I don't get the neighbors asking why they hear a crying kid in the living room. And you seem to have a soft spot for her, so I figured might as well ask you."

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