Straight Hair

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*lol this story is kinda stupid but oh well I'm posting it anyways*

I've always been jealous of my younger sister. She was pretty,tall, had perfect straight hair and really smart. She was always the favorite.

After she was born, my parents didn't even know I existed anymore. I bet they wouldn't even know if I was dead or alive.

Mom has always loved her so much. Dad kept on saying that they didn't have a favorite, but it was obvious that they were lying.

I had it when she 'accidentally'
knocked over moms favorite china vase and said that I did it. I slept hungry that night.

I had my chance for revenge when my parents went out for dinner, leaving me to babysit. Oh yeah, I'm getting her.

Exactly 5 minutes after my parents left, I stormed into Gina's room and slammer her door shut. "What in the bloody hell is wrong with you??" I screamed at her. She grinned at me and calmly said, "What can I say? I'm the favorite. They love me more!"



Unable to control my anger, I pounced on her and strangled her. "THEY DONT LOVE YOU MORE BITCH!" I kept yelling over and over again, while staring into her fearful eyes. Before she stopped struggling I heard her mutter something in another language.

*part 2 to this is coming soon yall*

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