Chapter 5: Not very Prince like

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*Romans a little OOC for this but just wait, it will end up more like him as it goes on*

Roman sat in his bathroom with a frown on his face. For once in his life, just once he wished something would go right for him. He brought his hand up to the left side of his face and flinched in pain. His dad got angry and Roman (once again) was the direct source of his drunken wrath. A large purple bruise had grown over night on his face and he wished that his dad had thrown the beer bottle at his chest instead of his face.

Roman grabbed his makeup bag from underneath the sink and got to work. It only took him five minutes to fully cover the bruise, after covering up for his dad for so long he had become a pro at working quickly. He checked the time on his watch, 10 minutes until he had to leave for school, he was out in 5. At any chance he got he would go earlier than needed, any way to get out of that shit hole was good enough for him.

Roman loved the cold, yet still he wished for summer to come by again. Just the thought of how the weather man predicted spring to be in a month or so brought a smile to his face. It would probably be a little longer than that because Missoula's weather was so fucking up and down it was crazy. He saw the bus coming and straightened his backpack on his shoulder, standing a little taller to seem more threatening.

The bus stopped and the doors opened. The bus driver was an old man that looked like he could die any second. His face was covered in wrinkles and Roman was genuinely concerned for the safety of all the people on the bus. He walked to the very back, glaring at some people on the way.

It was the eleventh school he had been to since he begun 4th grade and he was so fucking sick and tired of moving.

At every damned school he was bullied and ridiculed but for once that wouldn't be the case. He was tired of being on the bottom of the food chain. Every year told the exact same story. He would trust someone with his heart and they would break it, smash it on the ground as they told the whole school all his secrets. Every little thing he shared was gone from his grasp and turned into slurs from other students.

He looked out the window to see someone chasing after the bus, it was too late to say something. Hell, the bus driver was probably too old to hear him anyway; especially from the back of the bus. He sat down and plugged his headphones into his phone, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown started to blast and he smiled slightly before covering it back up with a scowl. He just looked back down at his phone, clicked on Tumblr and started to scroll.

It was about 20 minutes later that they reached the school. Fear held him in its grasp but he just choked down all the pain of past memories that tried to hold him down. He walked into the cafeteria as his music changed songs. As soon as he got his food he walked to the very back of the room to a table with zero occupants. He sat there and ate slowly, he was generally surprised when someone sat down in front of him. He pulled out his left headphone and looked blankly at his peer. The man was smiling warmly, Roman almost felt his resolve fade but quickly brought back up his walls.

"Hi! My name is Patton!" Patton held his hand out to Roman and he shook it apprehensively. "Roman," Roman spoke curtly, lookingback down at his awful meal. "Well heya Roman, want to be friends?"

Roman was shocked at how someone could be so up front and accepting of people. "Why the fuck should I trust you?" Roman asked, a twinge of annoyance in his voice as he looked down at his breakfast.

"I-I don't know, know why but it would be nice?" Patton's voice seemed to end on a question and Roman looked up.

Patton's smile seemed smaller and his eyes lost than shine of happiness that had filled them when Roman first looked at him. Roman mentally kicked himself.

"Sure, I guess we could be friends," Roman spoke gently and felt his heart warm when a large smile adorned Patton's face. He looked to his left to see a boy walk into the bathrooms.

It was in that moment he decided he finnaly knew what heaven looked like. He only got a small glimpse but His heart soared in the air. He shook His head slightly, he wasn't gay. He shoved his feelings down and went on with his day.

He felt a small anger in his gut towards the man. He knew it was idiotic but he couldn't help but think about him all of next period. When he bumped into him in the hall he felt pain surge through his emotions.

He pushed him and walked away, regretting that moment for the rest of the day.

Sorry this is so short, my computer is being an ass so I had to use my phone.

Chapter wrap up:
Roman is getting abused by his father. He has been hurt by a multitude of people in his past so he has put up walls in order to keep from feeling all the pain he has before. All that is almost ruined by Patton being fucking precious. Roman has it hot for someone and is in denial about how fucking gay he is.

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