Chapter 3: The Logical Explaination

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Logan Foley is an unusual child, anyone that came into contact with him would agree fully. By the time He was six he had the brains of a highschooler. By the time he was seven he could beat all of his teachers in any math related problem. He had a thirst for knowledge and it shined bright in his dark blue eyes.

The only thing he lacked knowledge on was how to behave like a normal child. He hated playing outside, he thought video games were a waste, his father got him a phone (one of those nice ones that had amazing storage, a wonderful screen, it was the perfect size for any person) yet all he did was download a vocabulary builder app and Spotify so he could listen to the beautiful sounds of Ludwig Van Beethoven's wonderful symphonies.

That's why, on the day he walked onto C.S.Porters school grounds did he immediately go into the cafeteria, order breakfast (a hard, yet still soggy, peice of toast, a carton of 2% milk, and an apple sauce that was one week over its date), then walk to the bathroom and eat in one of the stalls to escape the loud yelling of his peers. Having no where to place the flimsy plastic tray he settled for placing his briefcase onto his lap and using it like a table.

He didn't have a backpack, instead settling for his fathers old light brown briefcase. It was coated in genuine leather and had 2 golden clasps (both lockable, the key was on a silver chain on his neck that hung underneath his shirt) to hold it closed.

It held three notebooks (a green one for science, a red one for math, and a blue one for English), one mechanical pencil, two #2 pencils (both unsharpend), one blue pencil sharpener, two sharpies, two red pens for correcting other peoples mistakes (he told that to a teacher once and she asked him what about correcting his own mistakes. He angrily told her that he doesn't make mistakes before turning around and leaving to his seat), two black pens, two blue pens, and 'The Complete Sherlock Holmes Treasury'.

As soon As he finished his 'meal' he left the stall and threw the tray into the garbage. He looked into the mirror and sighed.

He had his ebony hair combed back yet no matter how hard he tried a small chunk of hair fell down into his field of vision. He had a silk black button up and a blue tie. He had his shirt tucked into his light brown pants that were perfectly fit to rest just above his black work shoes.

His clothes looked like he could be in his mid thirties but his smooth, pale skin showed his young age. While he might look perfect to anyone else, there wasn't a single blemish on his face, his hair was neat, his pants were wrinkle free, all he could see where the little mistakes. The dark bags under his eyes (covered expertly with make-up), the wrinkle in his shirt near his left breast pocket, a scratch on his upper right arm, and a small discoloration on his lower left pant leg.

He closed his eyes and sighed before pushing off the sink where his hands gripped tightly. He looked at his watch and mentally groaned, 5 minutes til school started. He grabbed his briefcase and walked out of the bathroom to the large double doors leading out to the hallway. They were opened wide, waiting til the morning bell rang and the hundreds of kids to pour out of the cafetorium.

He walked o through the open doors and to his first period class. He got there as soon as the bell rang and the school was filled with the sounds of screaming children. He had no need for a schedule as he already had it memorized.

Picani: Social Studies, First period.

Gruber: Orchestra, second period.

Terrence: Engineering, third period.

Sanders: math, fourth period.

Picani: Science, fifth period.


Joan: Health\ P.E. seventh period.

Joan: English, eighth period.

Free period.

He walked into the class before anyone else did. He grimaced as he saw the undesirable amount of child like items that filled the room. FREE SEATING was written in big bold letters upon the whiteboard. Logan sat towards the back, just one seat beside the last. He placed his briefcase onto the (most likely dirty) white desk. He grabbed a necklace from around his neck and pulled it over his head. It had the key to the locks.

He opened it and grabbed his book. He locked it back up and put the necklace back on. He tucked it under his shirt and opened his book. The room quickly filled up and the more students that walked in the louder it got.

Logan couldn't concentrate on his book and it annoyed him greatly. He looked up to see the teacher talking to another student. Said student was cloaked in mostly black with a purple pair of headphones that were wrapped around his neck. As soon as he turned away Logan stood up and walked up to the desk.

"Excuse me Sir," the older man smiled. "No need for formalities, you can just call me Picani!" Logan raised his brow, "Thank you for the invite but I shall still call you Sir." Logan realized his posture was lacking so he stood up straighter. "Now to the matters as to which brings me up here. I request to please use my headphones, this chaotic ruckus is annoying me greatly and distracting me from my reading."

Picani seemed to smile even bigger, "No need to ask kiddo, go ahead and do what ever you want to make you comfortable." Logan had a look of disgust on his face, "My name is not "Kiddo" it is Logan," he made sure too emphasize his name.

"Well Logan, I'll make sure to address you as so," Logan nodded his head and walked away. The rest of the class period was boringly average. Logan made his way through another few dozen or so pages of his book until he looked at his watch and decided it would be the perfect time to put his book away.

He stood up as the bell rang for next period and waited til most of the students left the room to exit before he left. He had no need to go to his locker so He just made his way swiftly to his next class.

He watched as a tall man pushed a kid to the ground before walking off and laughing about it to his friends. He recognized the kid on the ground as the dark clothed kid that was in his class for a short period of time. He hurriedly passed by to his next class. He walked into the music hall and frowned, the hallway was small and very crowded. he waited a minute or two for the amount of children to dissipate before entering. He looked up as he felt someone's body slam into him. 

The man was wearing red skinny jeans and was wearing a white shirt with a crown on it. He had dark chocolate eyes that shined with something Logan couldn't place, for the first time in forever Logan didn't know something and that did not set well with him. "Watch it geek," the man sneered and shoved him out of his way to move on in the hallway. Logan wished he could know more about the other male but alas he had to get to class and he was NOT going to be late on his first day. 

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