forty five

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The next day Sophie breezed through her morning session before making her way to the towers for her special session with Orem Vacker.

“Welcome back Miss Sophie. I trust things will continue to go smoothly today and that no interruptions will come to the tower today.” Master Cadence jeered as she greeted Sophie at the door to let her in.

“Absolutely. I am just grateful for the opportunity to study here.” Sophie answered back calmly. She would love to have some free time in the towers but that would only happen if she could get on Master Cadence good side. “Is my mentor here yet?”

“Yes, he has been here for a while visiting with some friends.” Master Cadence replied a little too smugly. “Best hurry to class, wouldn't want to keep Orem Vacker waiting.”

Sophie took a deep breath and made her way to the stairs. What was Orem Vacker going to be like? When she arrived at the predetermined room she could see he was in there.

“Miss Sophie, I have been waiting for this moment for years.” Orem Vacker said as soon as Sophie walked in the room.

“Years?” Sophie memory raced, she had only been here in the Lost Cities for a little over 3 years. What had he been waiting for exactly?

“To meet you,” Orem answered smugly. “Ever since you one upped my light show with your whole teleporting Alicorn bit. I knew I needed to meet you. Recent developments have made it possible and more plausible.”

“Are you talking about me and Fitz?” Sophie asked confused at what recent events he had indicated.

Orem’s eyebrows shot through the roof. “I wasn't talking about you and Fitz, but if there are some developments there I am all ears. I was only talking about Magnate Leto asking about mentors for you.”

Sophie turned an all to familiar shade of red. This was not what she thought her session would turn into. She thought she was here to learn about impressing people with illusions, not whatever was happening or not happening with Fitz.

“Sit down, let's just talk. I think we can both teach one another a thing or two.” Orem said with a hint of laughter in his voice.

As Sophie sat on the couch opposite Orem and took a chance to look at him. Of course he looked way too attractive to be possible but he didn't look like a Vacker, well Alden and Fitz since Alvar looked like Della and Biana was a perfect mix of her parents. His hair was lighter and his blue eyes were more of a bright navy color. After what felt like minutes he looked back at Sophie, startled to see her studying him.

“I get it, what it feels like to be the spectacle and what everyone is gossiping about. I wasn't always a Vacker.” Orem said looking directly at Sophie.

Sophie tilted her head, and it clicked. He married a Vacker, he wasn't born into the family he took the name when he was married.

“I remember when I first met my wife. It was during a PE session her at Foxfire. I had just manifested as a flasher. I couldn't stop making light shows. Some kids made fun of me but she looked at me and smiled. I suddenly noticed her everywhere. I wanted to be near her but could never bring myself to talk to her. When we got to the elite levels I was so nervous to get my matchmaking lists. I had watched her for years wishing and hoping that I would be on her list and that I would be invited to her winnowing gala so that I would finally be able to talk to her. . .” Orem’s voice softened and trailed off at the end.

Seeing this change prompted Sophie to speak up, “Well were you on the list?”

Orem continued to stare off before starting up again. “Yes I was during the break I was invited to her Gala. We danced and talked and she had remembered me from years before. She was so nice and I fell hard that night. I knew I wanted to spend more time with her. There was another guy there that night, he was done with the elite levels already a real smooth talker. I could see he was interested in her as well. I told myself I didn't stand a chance and I should just back away.”

“But you guys got married, what happened next?” Sophie interrupted.

“Well when we got back to the towers here, she came to find me and asked to study with me. We started spending a lot of time together and by the time graduation came we were best friends. I liked her even more and we were matched but I still didn't believe it. I was so scared to lose my friend I didn't trust the feelings I had inside. It was so new and her family was so famous, I didn't think I was ever going to get up the courage to ask her on a date. When I finally took her out, I could tell people were talking about us everywhere we went. I was so worried she would change her mind and realize that I wasn't good enough for her. She was always so patient and told me there was no reason to worry.”

Sophie smiled, Alden said the exact same thing and on occasion Fitz had said it as well.

“I have always been naturally talented as a flasher but it was nothing compared to her talents. I knew I would never measure up and that her name alone people would question me being with her but after years I finally believed in myself enough to ask her to marry me.” A huge smile broke out on Orem's face. “I guess my session is accurately named illusions to impress. Let me teach you Sophie about the illusions we have about ourselves and those that we care about and how we can see through them to get what we really want and maybe you can teach me a thing or two.”

Sophie smiled. Orem wasn't what she thought he would be like at all. He understood more about what was going through her head than probably anyone. Even though they had just met she knew that he would be a good person to know and like her other sessions she had made the right choice to resume ability training, even if she hadn't had a telepathy session yet.

A Cognate Thing-a sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now