diversity day.

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"alright, you lazy bitches, time for a conference meeting." bangtan's manager, sejin, announced as he walked into a room with a perfect view of seoul's skyline.

"areum and her manager should be here any moment." sejin drummed his fingers against the hardwood table, with the rest of bangtan trudging into the room.

four of the members were half awake; meaning that the said four members walked into the room, stumbling over their steps as if they got back from a night of drinking.

three of the members, were wide awake; namjoon, seokjin, and yoongi. (surprisingly.)

five minutes pass on the office clock, and aerum and her manager walk into the room.

poor areum was still in her pajamas; indicating that she wasn't informed of this meeting beforehand. jackson, was only wearing a pair of gym shorts and a tank top, along with a fancy ass robe to top it all off.

"why did you call all of us in for a meeting? it's not like we're workers in a office building." jackson questioned, rubbing his eyes to prevent his eyelids from drooping.

"but you all are workers under bighit, right?" sejin retorted, glaring at jackson's grumpy demeanor.

"you're right, sir." jackson replies, before taking a seat next to a sleeping mochi.

"sejin-nim, i'm sorry, but it's four in the goddamn morning. why in the world would you call us in for a meeting?" yoongi asked; his words spat out of his mouth like a snake releasing its venom into the victim's body.

"to discuss scheduling, and tour dates, obviously." sejin replied, with a small, smug smile plastered onto his face.

"can't we discuss this later on in the day?" namjoon inquires.

"no. i want to talk about this right now." the manager replies back.


"interacting with the other members; along with areum-noona and jackson-hyung with damn note cards taped onto our foreheads, isn't really a meeting." jungkook says, his eyes fixed directly onto the camera in front of him.

"manager sejin wanted us to put note cards onto our foreheads with different ethnicities written on them, to give us an 'first impression' onto the other person with a different race on the forehead. 'diversity day', as he calls it." the maknae explained, before the camera man behind the camera points at the window.

jungkook looks behind; to see areum slapping yoongi in the face after what he assumed was yoongi sweet-talking the girl in a perverted way.

"that's gonna leave a mark." jungkook hissed at the now red hand mark on yoongi's pale-colored skin.



"so, how is everyone enjoying diversity day?" sejin piped in; his head popping into the conference room with a sweet smile on his face.

soon after, that smile immediately faltered.

four out of the seven members of bangtan, were not talking with each other in a friendly way; jackson and yoongi were arguing over what yoongi just did to aerum, while seokjin and hoseok hid under the table, from jackson and yoongi's impressive vocabulary that was enough to express how they both felt for each other.

areum; on the other hand, wasn't even in the room at all.



"i'm telling you, yoongi is such a perverted man! i swear to god, if he going to do the same things he did to me in that room, he won't see the light of day." areum's anger began to unravel from her body, as her cheeks were red from how hot her face was.

jimin sat next to the fuming woman, and rubbed her back soothingly with his chubby hand.

"areum-noona's relationship with yoongi-hyung, is a very rocky one." jimin simply replied; with a nodding aerum agreeing with him.

"yo, um, manager sejin wants to talk to you, jackson, and yoongi about the whole situation." the door opens up; revealing taehyung. areum sighed; and stood up, before barging out of the room, leaving taehyung and jimin in the interview room.



"diversity day sucked ass."

namjoon stared right into the camera.

"why did sejin think that this was a great idea for 'company bonding'? we're not in an american mockumentary." seokjin added, before glancing over his broad right shoulders to take a look at areum, jackson, yoongi, and their manager, who were having a conversation about the situation that happened, prior to the woman slapping yoongi.

"we're not going to question manager sejin's ways of conducting a meeting here in the offices, hyung. it's better to keep our mouths shut and go along with whatever he's doing." namjoon says, before looking back with seokjin.

the camera zooms in on the four adults outside the room, who were still talking. areum started to pace back and forth near the other three males, running her hair through her hair multiple times, before grabbing jackson's wrist, and storms out of the office complex.

"we're never coming here, unless it's something serious!" a voice; which the men presumed was areum's, yelled as they hear the faint sound of a door being slammed shut.


"remind me to never say to areum that 'i'm gonna fuck her so hard to the point where she has to use crutches in order to walk', to her ever again." yoongi deadpanned.

"wait, is that what you said to her?" one of the directors said.

yoongi nodded.

"you, are one fucked up idol."

"oh i know." yoongi replied, a small smirk tugging at his lips.


ay yo hitman bang introduces





chapter! (shsksk sorry)

two updates because i have too much damn time on my hands. :)

remember to vote, an enjoy this one weird ass chapter!

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