Chapter 13

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| Savannah |
: First

I had the same feeling in my stomach again but x100 after I felt him grab me by my waist, multiple times might I add, occasionally pulling me to his body which felt just as it looked. Perfect. He wore orange shorts and a gold chain. His hair was styled in his usual perfect looking quiff however, after our little time in the water it was now wet and all over the place but my god did he look hot as hell dripping in water.

Was it possible to be so perfect? His personality bounces of mine so well as he had all the confidence and all the flirt, it just worked so well.

I did not expect this and I definitely didn't expect to ever feel like this but I guess everything happens for a reason and when he first wrapped his arms around me, he pulled me to his body and held me there for quite some time, even after I had been splashed in water as he used me as a shield. It just felt so amazing and I felt like a kid again.

And Khalil was incredibly funny and they had the cutest little brother relationship ever. He was also very kind and was already like a big brother. But I could tell Sophia was smitten over him, they couldn't keep their hands off of each other, literally. Every time I'd look at them Khalil had her in his arms or attempting to. I could tell Sophia was enjoying this.

We had now decided to go to one of the cafe's to have an early dinner as we were hungry of course and wanted a cold drink.

Suddenly, as I walked alongside Sophia and Khalil, I felt Justin place his hand at the small of my big was can I say was a lot bigger than mine and so... vein-y. I knew he worked out as you could tell from his abs and large muscles and therefore, his veins were perfectly visible, not that I was complaining.

"Hey er... it might get a little loud around here so just hold on to my hand and don't let what anyone says get to you, they just do that to fuck with your mind" He told me as he held his hand out for me to take.

He was definitely a gentlemen. 

"Okay" I mumbled back giving him a smile before looking down at his hand, slowly putting mine in his, he unexpectedly intertwined our fingers together before holding on to it tightly but softly, caressing the back of my hand as he walked ahead.

I almost got shivers down my spine by how unbelievably attractive he was and the things he did without even meaning to be. And I definitely wasn't going to complain about the view of his very toned back.

Slowly, people approached us, some just stopping to stare and some beginning to follow us. I kept his words in my mind as we met some paparazzi who were obviously going to snap as many pictures as they wanted in order to publish their stories and I could already imagine the headlines. I seriously don't know how Justin did it but I really really respected that about him, it wasn't easy but he made it seem like it was.

I wasn't really listening to the questions that the photographers yelled out here and there but I held on to one,

"Are you okay with being Biebers next girl? Do you think he's gonna be here for the long run?"

Well damn, no need to put a downer on things but for real, it got me thinking. Even though Justin and I were not in a relationship, and I definitely wasn't about to propose but I knew there was something there and I really didn't think this was just his 'next girl' kinda thing, I don't know why. I could be really wrong, but it didn't seam it.

Finally, we had arrived at the place where we wanted to eat at, Justin let me go in first as he opened the door for me before following me in where he asked for a table for four. We were taken to our table and we sat down, I sat next to Justin and opposite us sat Khalil and Sophia.

Looking at them, they made a cute couple.

"What are you smiling at?" Sophia asked making me snap out of my train of thoughts realising that I was looking right at them and smiling. They must be thinking that I was crazy.

"I just think you two look cute together" I shrugged smiling as I glanced back at Justin who smirked shaking his head, boys just didn't see what girls saw and that was okay. Let's keep it that way.

I could see Sophia was blushing and she literally kicked me under the table making me Shutup.

"So what is your brand all about Miss Montano? Do y'all sell boys trunks because I'm getting kinda tired of shopping at the same place" Khalil said making me laugh at his attempt of putting on a girls voice whilst flipping his hair.

"No, unfortunately it doesn't sell men's trunks" I told him making him groan, of course exaggerating.

"And this is how you be collecting all your coins eh? You hear that JB, you got yourself a independent young woman" He added making me look at justin to see his reaction. He chuckled nodding his head "That's what I like to hear" he said winking at me making me smile, feeling my cheeks turn red but ever so subtly, i don't know what was wrong with me but every time he winked at me or gave me his famous look in his heavenly eyes, my heart melted and I felt the nerves again, I think it was called butterflies.

"So when was your last relationship? Y'all been single long?" Khalil asked as I sat back in my seat looking over at Sophia and raising my eyebrow. She better tell the truth was all I could think.

"I'm a victim of being a cereal dater" she subtly said making me laugh "Victim?" I asked making her roll her eyes.

"Okay I just like to date here and there, I've been single a while now but I don't think I'm ready to jump in to a whole relationship, you feel me?" She said, mostly speaking to Khalil as if she wanted his approval which was hella cute as he nodded "I feel you"

"And what about you?" Justin spoke up making me glance at him,

"I've never had a boyfriend"

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