Chapter 15

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| Savannah |
: Phone Calls

We had arrived in Barcelona and although it was a short flight, I still felt so drained for some strange reason. I had slept on the hour flight over so I hoped I'd just be able to put our stuff in the hotel room before heading out to explore but i think I needed that nap more than ever.

"How can you still be tired? You slept like a beast" Sophia said as she stared at me whilst I yawned.

"I think I'm starting my period" I told her, tiredness was prone to periods for me. I literally would pass out any chance I got and it was horrible when you're travelling.

"Oh god I was starting to sense the mood swings" Adam chimed in making me turn and give him a deathly look telling him to Shutup.

Once we arrived at the hotel, me and Sophia were sharing a room however it had two double beds which was perfect because as I mentioned before, she slept like a monster, with no control over her legs and arms. I'd rather not be dying of cramps and have her kick me in my ovaries causing my death.

Adam was in the room opposite us, we had one hotel room but separate sections as we were staying for longer than a week so we thought it was best to stay together rather than having to go down to his room every single morning to have breakfast together.

I fell on to my bed, face first as I felt the comforters literally absorb my body in to their heavenly home. If that made any sense at all. 

About an hour later, I was in one of those naps where you're not fully asleep but you're not about to move either and can feel and hear everything around you, which was then interrupted by Sophia who cane and sat next to me on the bed.

"We're gonna go out and explore and then eat, you coming?" It was already 6pm so I knew I wouldn't be missing out on much and that I'd do with just saying in for now so I'd feel better by tomorrow even though the pain of a period is the worst pains of all and they just come and go, it would benefit me right now.

"I'm good, you two go, it'll give you a chance to have some alone time Adam" I suggested sending her a smile making her roll her eyes grinning.

"Make sure to get some cute tumblr couple looking pictures with him, without him knowing of course" I advised as I tucked myself in to the covers.

With that, she gave me a large bottle of water to keep at the side of my bed before she and Adam left, looking cute as always.

As I laid staring up at the ceiling, I couldn't help but flashback to when Justin left and how we had kissed.

I still couldn't believe we kissed.

And it wasn't just any kiss, i could tell he wanted it just as much as I wanted it, if not, more. And that was the crazy part about it because Justin knew that he was leaving the next day and we probably wouldn't be able to see each other for a while if we ever did see each other back in LA, however, he still did it. Somehow, he made me feel so safe and secure then I ever had before. The way our lips felt together caused butterflies to fly around in my stomach and the biggest sparks. It was the nerve. He had so much control and so much passion, not to forget that he was an incredible kisser and I was guessing he enjoyed it as much as I did as he was very forward and was the one to pull me in to a kiss, literally.

I had made out with Justin Bieber and I definitely wasn't mad about it.

As I turned to my side, I noticed my phone had lit up making the entire room light up from the singly iPhone screen as it was dark in here. I turned over and picked my phone up slightly to see I had a snapchat from Justin.

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