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Never thought I'd make a Baldi X Reader Fanfic.....huh..anyway I hope you enjoy! 

You got up early, just like every day. After getting dressed in a (f/c) sweater and some skinny jeans, grab your bag and walk out of the room. Walking down the stairwell, your mother greets you with a smile. "Morning starlight, sleep well?" She asks. You give her a smile back. "Yes I did. Thank you for asking." You walk over to the cabinets and got down some of your favorite cereal, and sat down to eat. Something however. Your mother never usually was this quiet...she was quite outgoing in fact. Looking up from your cereal bowl, you caught her staring at you. "Something the matter mom?" You ask her. She tenses, "No no of course not...just excited for your first day of college!" "Mom what is going on." You say, "W-What do you mean? Nothings the matter!" You stand up and walk over to her, looking her in the eye. "This has been the same college I have been going to for the past couple of years.. It's not like I'm going to a new school or something..I'll always bring home good grades if that's what your worried about." You gave her a reassuring smile, and she looked at you and gave a small smile back. You couldn't place it, but deep down you had a feeling that this would be a very interesting day. However, before you could question her further she looked down at her phone. "O-Oh dearie me would you look at that?! Come on you'll be late I'll drive come on!" She grabs her purse and hurries out the door, leaving you standing there speechless in the kitchen. You grab the backpack near the chair and rush out the door, making sure to shut and lock the door behind you. Getting in the car, she starts it and pulls out of the driveway leaving away in a hurry. 

"Mom it's fine. I'm not gonna be late! It's right down the road.." She looks to you and smiles, but quickly puts her eyes back to the road. You tilt your head slightly in confusion, "Mom your acting ..weirder than normal. Is everything alright?" She nods, and you shrug. Your mom puts on the radio, and you decide to look out the window. You notice that you passed the road that you usually go on to your school. "Mom passed it. The college is that way.." You say, pointing to the road as you pass. "I'm just going a different way is all.." You stared at her, "Mom tell me what is going on, I'm not stupid you can tell me." She sighs, knowing that you won. "You have been transferred to a different school.." You freeze. "wwwWHAT?!" You say, voice getting louder. "That's what I thought. But your school told me that you have completed all of the required levels of math, and have transferred you to this school to have a math teacher with the same skill as you." You process this, "What about the rest of my classes?!" You ask her. "They said they'd "take care of them." Also I don't get what you're worried have all of the required credits you could want! You've almost taken all of the classes there!" You cross your arms "I liked some of those classes...I also hung out with my friends there." You say. "I know I know, but it's outta my hands. The decision was made when they told me, and as friends go you can still meet up with them it's not the end of the world. You might make some new friends at this school." You give a small smile. "I guess you're right." "That's my girl." She said with a smile. "Oh it looks like we're here." You look out the window, and notice a huge white brick building come into view. Your mom parks and lets you out. "Have a good first day...see you later." You wave, "Bye mom." When she leaves, you sigh and walk towards the doors. There was a time schedule on the door and you looked down at your watch. You smile. "I'm early..perfect just how I like it." Just to see if it's like your old school, you pull on the doors to see if they open...they don't. You shrug once more as you look around, "Guess I'll just have to wait then." You walts over to the benches and sit down, and open a book waiting for a teacher or the principal to open the doors. To your surprise, you didn't have to wait long.

"Hello, you must be Y/N correct?"


Let me know what you guys think...not sure about this story but I will do my best! 

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