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He lets you go into the classroom first. 'How nice.' You think. When walking into the classroom-you noticed a few other students there. A smaller girl, with black hair-and dark eyes wearing a red dress. A guy wearing a orange hoodie with blue sleeves, and another guy in the back, he had black hair, glasses and a grey sweater. You walk in and before you walk over to a seat, Baldi stops you. "I'm going to introduce you, please stand here." He says. You nod, and let him do his thing. He smiles and turns to the class. "Hello class, I'd like you to meet a new student- Y/N-they're a transfer from another college- make them feel welcome." With that, he gestures to your seat and you follow his orders. Once your seated, he smiles and then starts off his introduction. "Okay everybody, Welcome to Baldi's basics in education and learning! That's me!" He points to himself, which you thought was a little odd..but this whole day has been odd so why not. He goes over to his desk, and brings over little ..tablets? Tablets. And passes them to everyone. "These are what you'll use to answer the online questions I'll give you, then you will be using notebooks afterwards." Fair enough. "First set of questions-Go!" You look at the screen, and try not to hold back the grin that wanted to spread onto your face. 'Wow..this is sooooo hard.' You think, as you answer elementary level math questions. You submit your answers, and watch the teacher's reactions. He looks on his own tablet, your guess was that he was grading each of them. He looks up, and smiles. "Great job everyone-Here is your prize! A shiny quarter for each of you." He hands out quarters, which you thought again..was odd. 'What college teacher hands out quarters for all of the correct answers? Not that you're complaining but it was a little strange. "Okay class, let's move on to the more difficult questions. You see in your notebooks the questions, however, you will work it out on them and then come up here to the chalkboard to show what you've done. I will grade them based off the answers you give." He looks to each student before you. They seemed to take their time on the problems, and you decide to take a look down at your own. The first two seemed...simple enough. The third was a little more complicated.You hear the others groan and you hear a few mumbled curses here and there, though it didn't seem like Baldi heard them. You didn't understand what caused them to think this was took a long look at the last one though, and understood. It was a jumbled mess, but after a little while, you actually were able to make out the problem and solve it. Baldi got everyone's attention. "All right class show me what you got!" He says, pointing to the chalkboard. You waited your turn as he called each student up, you looked back down at your notes for a split second, making sure everything was in order. The slap caught your attention, bringing your gaze towards the sound. The orange and blue hooded guy had a red face, as if they were trying to hold back tears. "You got the answer wrong Bully. Playtime you're next, please come up to the board." Your shocked, you've never seen a teacher do this-well to young kids maybe-but never college students. The girl, which you know knew as Playtime, walked up to the board. Baldi watched her expectantly as she shakily picked up the chalk and proceeded to write the problems down. You too analyzed the situation, trying to see what would happen.He smiled as she got the two problems correct, but when she wrote down the scribbled nightmare that was on question 3 Baldi frowned at her. She tensed, as Baldi grabbed a ruler from his desk. *Smack* One hit on her hand, she bit her lip as a tear fell. You felt your blood boiling, 'Baldi never even helped us with this problem but yet is punishing us for it! I'm not gonna stand for this!' You say to yourself. Two slaps later, Baldi looks to you with a grin on his face. You stand up from your desk, and casually walk over to the chalkboard. He watches you as you write each problem, and same as before he would smile and congratulate you based off of the correct answers. Everyone, even Baldi became quiet as you came across the last answer. Strangely enough, you were able to make out the numbers hidden within the jumbled mess, and answered it. You turned towards the bald teacher, watching his reaction. He stared at the board, then back to you then back at the board and then to you. He reached into his drawer, drawing a gasp from the others, but you didn't flinch. He grasped your hand, and instead of hitting it, gave you a quarter. "Wow you exist! That was the correct answer!" Everyone gasped, knowing that it was technically impossible to answer that question right. You try not to frown, 'Wow you exist? Ok if you get the question wrong that must mean in Baldi's eyes you don't exist...' You think. Just out of spite, as you go back towards your desk you give Baldi a giant grin and sit down. Baldi stares at you, and gives a strained smile. Hell, you thought you caught his eye starting to twitch. You stare at him as he stares at you. 

Two can play at this game. 


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