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You arrived at the cafeteria, still being followed by your little herd of sheep. You had to admit it was a little uncomfortable with so man eyes staring at you and at everything you did. You got your food and walked towards the tables. Looking around, you were shocked that such a big school had so little students...It just seemed like you, bully, playtime, and the guy you never caught his name. You saw what looked like the janitor walking around could tell green must've been his favorite color. Looking back at your food, you open you're mouth to take a bite..but the feeling of being watched once more made you stop. "Look I would like to eat in peace...if you would like to join me that would be fine. But please..stop staring at me." You hear them all pause, and sit down with their own meals next to you. Bully stared at you with a look you couldn't place. You ignore the look, and continued to eat. You listen to the other's conversations and thought about something. Looking back up, you stare at the grey sweater guy with a curious look. "Excuse me." You say, grabbing his attention. "Yeah?" He said. "I hate to intrude but I never caught your name." You say. He flushed, making the others laugh. "We call him Art." "Art?" You repeat. The guy nods, and you smile. "Well nice to meet you." He stares at you, shocked. "You..You're not gonna laugh or make fun of me?" You shake your head. "Why would I? It's your should be proud of it." Silence ensued after that, "Thank you." You heard him say. Since your mouth was full, you gave him a thumbs up. "No problem." The students were weird but at least the food was adequate. You finish, get up and throw your trash away, heading to the class. "Where are you going?" Playtime asked you. "Eh I'm just gonna go ahead and head to the next math lesson. "The bell's about to ring..why not wait?" Art asked. You shrug, and walk out the door. Sure enough, the bell rung within the next few minutes. You see Playtime and Art walking down the other  hall.  'Must've went around the other way.' You thought. You walk into the classroom, making Baldi turn around from his position in the front of the class to stare at you. "Huh..right on time." He said. You shrug as you take a seat. "Of course sir, I prefer being early." He stared at you, and smiled. "Great to hear. " A long pause ensued, so you put your head down. "Would you like to try some more math problems while we wait for the students to get here?" You bring your head up, and notice a weird look on his face. "Sure." He immediately hands you  a paper with problems on it. "Uh wow..ok thanks." You say, looking up at your teacher. He's watching you expectantly, mouth spread into a wide grin. Uh..ok. You look down at the paper, and solve the three problems on the paper. He grabs the paper from your hands, and walks over to his desk. Playtime and the others walk in. "Hey." You say, waving at them. They all give a silent wave back, Playtime smiles at you as they all sit down. You get the feeling that you are being stared at, turning your head you see Baldi look away from you. You smirk, 'Must've got them right again. Though what's the big deal? I thought that it was good that I got them all right?' You think. He starts the lesson, same old stuff as always. However, the only thing you found odd was that Baldi was staring at you any time he paused and turned back to the class. He had a look in his eye that you couldn't place..but you just ignored it. "That is all for today class. Dismissed." He said. The class cheered and walked out the door, but you didn't. In fact, you were confused. You look down at your phone, the phone says 1:00 p.m. "Why are you still here?" You snap out of your daze and look at Baldi. "O-Oh! Uh I didn't expect school to end so soon." "Yes. This school leaves earlier than other schools." "Why?" You ask. Baldi just sighs and gives you a small smile. "It just does alright? Get going now." He says, pointing to the door with his ruler. You smile and give him a wave, "Ok. Thanks Mr. Baldi. Have a good afternoon" You walk out the door, and head towards the exit. You take out your phone once you get outside.

You: Hey mom, can you come pick me up? School's over

Mom: What? This soon? That's odd. But yeah I will. Be right them

Mom: There. Stupid auto correct.

You: LOL ok see you soon.

You put your phone back into your pocket, and go wait on the bench. Everyone else is either riding their bike home, or walking. You sit there and wait, looking up at the sky. "Is someone coming to pick you up?" You look over and see Baldi. "Yes sir." You say. He smiles and points to the seat. "Mind if I sit here?" You gave a small smile, and scooted over. He sat there beside you, and it was an awkward silence between the two of you. "Principal was right-" You heard him say. "You are a very smart student." "O-Oh! Uh thank you sir." You say. "Please, just call me Baldi." Another long pause. "Prepare for the next few days, I'll be teaching the harder problems next." He says. "Yes s-I mean yes Baldi." Your mother pulls up into the parking lot before any thing else is said. "There's my ride. See you tomorrow Mr. Baldi." He smiles at you, and you turn away heading towards the car. Your mother smiles at you when you get seated. "Hey dear, how was school." "Alright I guess." You say. She smiles and drives out of the lot, she hands you a bag. "I bought us drinks since it's so freaking hot today." You take your f/d out of the bag and take a sip. "Did you have fun talking to that boy earlier? I saw him sitting next to you, he was kinda like him?" You spit out your drink. "Hey watch it!" She exclaims. "Mom! That was my teacher!!!" You tell her. She freezes "O-Oh...well still you two looked cute." "Oh god mom! Come on! He is my teacher! I don't even think we get along that well! All he does is stare at me all day and -" She's smirking at you "Not like that mom. Not like that. I meant he looks like he wants to slice my head off or something!" You tell her. She chuckles. "Ok ok. I'm just saying he looked handsome ok? Nothing else about it. Besides I'm just messing with you honey." You sigh. "Ok mom. Thank you."

There was a really awkward silence all the way home.

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