From Bad to Worse

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Everything was NOT ok. 

While you waited for Mr. Baldi to come back, you heard a loud slamming down coming from down the hallway. "Where is she?!" You heard a familiar voice scream. You and the others turned your heads towards the classroom door. "Who was that?" Playtime asked. A very disheveled principal appeared in the doorway before said question was answered. "Y/N,would you please come with me?" Nodding, you get up and follow him out. Yelling could be heard further down the hallway. You couldn't take the silence between you and the principal any longer. Turning to the tall man walking beside you, you had to ask as the yelling became louder the closer you got. "Sir if I may ask, who is yelling right now?" The man turned to you and smiled, as he suddenly  stopped.  "Well my dear, it is our favorite teacher and well-" "Y/N!" Your eyes turned to the voice, only to be tackled in a tight bear hug. "Your mother." "Oh Y/N! I heard what happened and I rushed over as fast as I could! Let me see." Your mother pulled away, and to your embarrassment, started to lift the icepack away from your eye. 

You have never seen that look on your mother's face before. She turned to look at he Principal, who immediately straightened. "Take me to who did this please." She said in a very calm voice. "Mom seriously I'm fi-" "Y/N, sweetie, let mom handle this. I will to him. We are all adults here aren't we Principal?" She asked the man sweetly. Much to your discomfort, the principal coughed and looked away. "Of course madam. Right this way. Y/N, please stay here I will be back momentarily." You nod, and you watched as your mom gave you a big bright smile, and turned to follow the tall man beside her. 

You just stared after them, even when they disappeared from sight. You've never seen your mom so ...well you don't know. You've never seen her like that before, and honestly? It scared you. It made you want to hide. In your thoughts you didn't really pay attention to your surroundings. You jump when someone put a hand on your shoulder. "Sorry Y/n, didn't mean to scare you.  You okay?" You turn your head, seeing Playtime looking at you with concern. "Oh yeah-sorry just zoned out for a bit." "What's up?" She said. "Well apparently that was my mother screaming and yelling for me. Then she and the principal left to go find Bully and he told me to wait here....that's it." You explained. She nodded, then a smile appeared on her face. "Why don't we play a game?" She asked you. You tilted your head. "What do you want to play?" She reaches into her ...pocket? Pocket. She pulls out a rolled up rope. "Let's play jump rope until he comes back!" You stared at her. "Play....jump-rope?" She nods. "In...the middle of the school hallway?" She nodded again. "Aren't we a little old to play jump-rope?" You asked her. She just smiled wider. "You're never to old to have fun Y/N." Well you couldn't argue with that logic...but one thing is still on your mind. "Won't we get into trouble doing that? Who knows when the Principal will come back." Playtime groans, rolling her eyes. "You worry too much Y/N. Just relax and have fun. Besides, I've practiced in these halls since I was little, and he still hasn't told me to stop." You gave a shy smile. "Alright." 

"1! 2! 3!" After each number you made a jump, almost tripping on the fourth one. Around the ninth turn, you heard the Principal coming back. You jumped on the last one with ease, and then moved away from the rope to go see him. "That was fun Y/N, let's do that again....sometime ok?" You nod. "Of course." The principal smiles warmly at you. "Hey Principal, what did you need me for?" The man chuckles warmly. "Well your mother absolutely insisted that you head home early for the day." "What? No I-" "I insist Y/N. You've been through a lot today, and you deserve it after that incident. I apologize, I should be patrolling the halls more often. I'm slacking." For a second, the principal frowns, making your heart sink. "Sir, it is ok. No one could have known that he would initiate something like that." His gaze softened. "Thank you Y/N. You are too kind for your own good you know that?" He turns to his office, "Follow me. Let's go get you checked out while we wait for your mother to come back." You nod, walking forward. "After you." He bows, gesturing inside with his arm. You chuckle. "Your funny, Mr. Principal." The man laughs along with you. "I try." You follow him into the room, shutting the door behind you while you waited for your mother to come back. 

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