The Principal

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You look up from your book and notice a tall man with brown hair, dark pants and a grey sweater. "Yes. Yes I am." He stares at you and gives you a smile. "It's nice to meet you, I'm the principal of this school. I've been expecting you-don't worry your school informed me of your situation and I must say I'm impressed." You blush a little at his words. "Thank you." He gave you a confused look. "What are you doing out here? A little early don't you think?" He asked. You give a small smile. Putting your book away you stand up, and face him surprised that you come up to his chest..your not as short to his height as you once thought. (You are not that close to him btw..just as an observation. XD) "I like being early, it means I'll be on time and I'll never be late." You say. He gives you a grin. "Good Answer Y/N." He walks past you and towards the doors "I don't usually do this, since I'm the only one here this early..but I would be out of my mind if I left you out here to wait." He unlocks the doors and gestures for you to come inside.  You smile and say 'thank you' as you walk inside. The white brick walls look like they go on forever, some lockers here and never thought that this school would be this big. "Does anyone else go here?" You ask. He turns and looks at you. "Why yes, however some are slightly younger than you. Also, they haven't arrived yet, your teacher and the other students will be arriving soon. Please feel free to look over the rules of this facility I will be in my office if you need me." With that, he leaves you to your own devices. You whistle to yourself and walk toward the poster on the wall, you shrug as you take a glance at the rules. "Shouldn't be too different from any other -uh..." You stare at the poster, confused. "What kind of rules are these?!" You say. You eyes scan over every single one repeatedly, your mind trying to comprehend why they would make such rules. It read as follows: 

1. No running in the halls

2: No entering faculty rooms

3. No eating

4. No drinking 

5. No escaping detention

6. No fourth wall breaks

No eating or drinking? And no ..fourth wall breaks?! 'What the hell?! How would anyone break the fourth wall?!' Your mind screams. You look at your watch..there's still time. You follow the direction the principal went, hoping to get some answers. As you walk down the long corridor, your surprised at how long these hallways actually are. "I'll need to get a map layout of the school.." You mumble to yourself. You reach a door that is open, and hear papers rustling. Peeking your head around the door, you catch the principal's eye. "Oh Y/N. Is everything alright? Do you need something?" He asks, putting his papers to the side. "Yes actually if you don't mind." He points to the chairs in front of him. "Take a seat." You smile shyly, you shut the door behind you and walk over to him. "What's the problem?" "I had a question about some of the school rules...we're not allowed to eat or drink here?" His eyes widened and shook his head. "No no, I've been meaning to get that changed. You are only allowed to eat and drink in the cafeteria...but not in the halls. If you break any of those rules I will personally send you to detention." Your eyes widened. "Just like that?" You ask. "Just like that." He says. You process this, and look back up to him. "Alright. Thank you, Mr. Principal. " You say. "No problem. Now I know I won't be expecting any sort of rule breaking from you correct?" He asks. You nod. "Of course, no rule breakers here." You say. He chuckles. "Good to hear. Now, your teacher should be here soon. I'll need to inform him of you-" *Knock Knock* "Ah speak of the devil, that must be him now. Come in!" The door opens, and a tall, thin man walks in. You analyze his appearance, noticing the blue pants and long green turtleneck/sweater combo...what caught your eye though, was his ....apparent "hairstyle." He was bald..well for the most part, besides a long brown curl coming down from his forehead. "Ah there you are Baldi. Meet your new student." The principal says, gesturing to you. This 'Baldi' fellow looks down at you, geez you feel short...After a while he smiles and waves. "New student? Why wasn't I informed of this?" He asks. The principal coughs into his hand. "Just got the paperwork in after school hours yesterday. " He gets up and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N here was the smartest in their school.Turns out their school informed me that they required someone to be able to be on their level of education-" He leans in and whispers to Baldi. "This kid couldn't be taught anything else-they completed almost every single class there!" He said, making the bald teacher's eyes widen, and stared at you. You squirmed a little in their gaze, but quickly calmed-used to being the one stared at. Baldi gives you a wide grin. "Perfect! I'm glad to be your teacher then Y/N. I'm sure the principal here will give me the rest of the information later..follow me I will lead you to the classroom. "He says. The way he speaks makes you chuckle- but you laughed internally, no way you'd laugh at a teacher's appearance and or how they acted. You take one last glance at the principal-and after a quick thank you you follow your soon to be math teacher down the hallway. 

Baldi kept his eyes on the hall, his mind was racing.

'Alright Y/N time to put you to the test-we'll see just how smart you really are.' 

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