Unexpected Visit

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Hello all! Sorry for not posting in well.. Ages! I hope you enjoy the chapter! Feel free to follow me on my Twitter and Tumblr! (Twitter I go by InkSpot) anyway Enjoy the chapter!

Baldi realized that you still haven't shown up for class, which didn't seem like you in the slightest. Sure, you had a couple days off but those have long passed now. It's the third day, and you haven't shown. It made his heart feel ...off. His mind raced as he tried to comprehend where you could possibly be? Maybe the principal knew? During the lunch break, he asked him. "Oh! Her mother called, she said Y/N wouldn't come in today. Wouldn't give an exact reason though" Baldi sighed. At least he knew that you were home. Why did this information make him feel better ? This is all so confusing. 

Class was once again slow, and the same old story. Asked a math question, disciplined those who got the answer wrong. Once class ended, and school closed, he thought of what to do. 

And that's how he somehow found your doorstep. 

How he got here he has no idea, he just drove-then walked. He gave a small knock on the door to your home and waited. As he did, he looked around. Your home was nice, clean and tidy on the outside- with flowers growing in the flowerbeds. The door opening caught his attention. It was your mother. "Hello? Oh! Mr. Baldi? What are you doing here?" She asked. Baldi coughed into his hand. "I heard the Y/N was at home for the day, are they alright?" She frowned a little at that, which made his heart clench. "Well no." She began. "Come in, come in." He walked into your home, smelling the sweet scent of the wax burners and the cooling air. The home was nice and tidy, just like outside. 

"They are upstairs." She said, waking into the kitchen. He looked up the stairwell, somewhat hoping to see you making your way down the staircase. You didn't. He took a seat beside your mother. "They seem to have had caught a cold while being out. They aren't feeling to well." He frowned at that. Oh. So you were sick. He wondered exactly how bad you were feeling. "Y/N! What are you doing out of bed?" He whirled around to see you standing there. You had bags under your eyes, you were pale and flush. Your nose was tinted pink and your hair was all over the place. "I'm sorry mom. I just wanted some water." You say. Your voice was raspy, as you were shivering, even with your cotton pajamas and blanket wrapped around you. 

Your mother rushes to the fridge and brings back a water bottle. You take a sip, but when your eyes cut to him, you choke. "Y/N?!" Your mother says. You wave her off. "I'm fine! But Baldi what are you doing here?" You rasp. "He came here to check on you dearie! Isn't that nice?" You nod. "Thank you but I am fine. I'll be sure to make up whatever I have missed." Baldi didn't say anything. 

Something was off with you, and not just because you were sick. You were hardly looking at him, your demeanor was more withheld, You seemed anxious. You seemed to be lost in that mind of yours. He didn't know if that was a good thing, as of this moment. Something was going on, and he was going to figure out what. So he turns to your mother, and puts a smile back onto his face. "Ma'am if you'd be so kind, would it be alright if I stayed here for a while?"

He held back a chuckle as he heard you spitting out your drink. 

I know I know short chapter! But more fluff will be for the next chapter I promise!

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