The hangman's funeral

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"My name. Is Diavolo if you ever tell anyone I will kill you." Diavolo slides his fingers through your hair softly caressing your scalp. Just like Risotto said if Diavolo gets bored of you either him or Risotto will kill you.

The pain now carves itself in your heart spreading it's venom awakening something within.


"There's no love in this world. Everything is about trust." Looking at your reflection from the water of the water fountain you touch your face.

"Everyone is wearing a mask hiding who they are. Confidence builds them through their experience in life, making them stronger as they move along the world till one becomes an apex predator. But if I could just remove their mask and see what makes them who they are, I would give them three days to change who and what they are. Take away their confidence, take away everything they have till they are broken like me. Till they feel cornered. Everything they think should happen will not happen. Everything they wished for will not come true. They will cry themselves to sleep and feel lost in the crowd. On the second day they will fall into madness feeling vulnerable to everything."

Slapping the water you walk away.

"They have to force themselves to enjoy everything on that day. It's not being ungrateful it's just not letting everyone remind you of what they bought you or what they did for you.

It's a sin with a grin that will keep you up at night wishing for a second chance to life as you slowly try to realize what you had before everything crumbled down. Realizing that everyone bleeds because everyone inside are just simple humans."

Walking past the street you watch a man shooting a woman in the head then proceeding to rape her lifeless body. "On the third day they'll decide on cutting the cord. Scream to the heavens that they are alive. The diamond eyes will open leading them to a phone where they have to choose to answer the unknown call and explore once more their past. They will have to tell me everything as if the devil himself were writing down their sins. After that I'll make them disappear, let them keep their life, or leave them destroyed in the world till they regain their confidence.

Their world will be my world. Everything isn't what it is and there is no time only the limbo that I create for them. They will suffer whatever they made someone else suffer."

The man finishes up looking toward you. "Like what you see doll?" The man makes his way toward you. Doll, that's funny because you called yourself that. "Chase the white rabbit little girl. Come here doll, come here." The man talks to you sweetly you look up to him in your little girl appearance with your backpack.

"Come here, there's nothing to fear."

The man walks up to you slowly before grabbing onto your arm.

"Got you doll!" He yells out but you don't scream or panic instead an emotionless expression speaks louder than anything else. "Are you a broken doll?"

The man kneels down pulling up your long sleeves seeing the bruises on your arms. Looking around for anyone the man wishes to do something else but without anyone seeing.

Staring back at you he lifts your shirt up seeing more bruises and marks on your body. "A very broken doll indeed. Too broken to sale. No one wants a broken doll." The man sighs reaching into his pocket taking out the money he stole from the woman.
Sixx A.m- Life is beautiful

"Come on kid. Let's get you an ice-cream." Lifting you up onto his arm he carries you to the ice-cream stand where he buys you chocolate pistachio and vanilla cherry.

"Life is beautiful kid don't let anyone tell you any different." The man sits beside you on a bench lighting up a cigarette. "Believe it or not but the sweetest people are the ones who die the worst. Scum like me live their days with no punishment. Don't quit living until you try, but you have to die inside in order to understand. Have you ever been to a funeral?"

Looking up at the man licking your ice-cream you shake your head in a no.

"I've done things that have left a trail of blood, enough blood to create my coffin. Seeing you a small kid go through hell and not even bother to fight me made me realize you were willing to let me kidnap you and murder you. Even when you saw me end the life of a woman and rape her you let me grab you."

The man watches you enjoy the ice-cream. "You act like if you never had ice-cream before doll. I wish I could be enjoying it as much as you do but." He sticks his tongue out showing you his skinned red tongue.

"I cut myself from enjoying anything in life. It was a quick reminder that everything has a price. Come on kid."

The man lifts you up onto his arm taking you to a graveyard where he sets you down on the ground.

"Pinky promise me that you will never stop being a sweet doll in life. There's no one in my life to visit my funeral but you. This stone doesn't have my name on it. There's no reason for me to put my actual name so I just carved one out. Allie Nera. Allie has different meanings meanings harmony, stone, noble or savior of mankind. Nera is feminine meaning candle light. When you're older you'll understand why I chose these two names. Why a first name is put as the last name and why the first name is set before a stronger first name. Anyways doll." He points at the shovel beside you. "I only ask of you to put yourself through the work of barring me."

Looking back down at the man you step forward as he lays down covering himself with the hood of the coffin and you hear a blast from with in the coffin. A gun.. he shot himself...

You stand there not able to move from where you stand. Just like that this man ended his life. No one knew about him and no one would knew he just disappeared. No one will hang posters of him asking people if they have seen him.

Life can be given and taken with or without an audience. Shaking you pick up the heavy shovel and start tossing dirt in his grave. The 5th time you accidentally drop the shovel.

Crying you wipe your tears looking at your hands and at the dirt.

Shoving the dirt with your hands you push hand full of dirt tired but determined to do it.

At last you stand on the side looking down at his stone.

Allie Nera.

Looking at the other graves around you they all have flowers and gifts.

Walking around you take away the flowers from someone else's grave setting it down on his.

That day when you made it home the women were worried about you but your mother. She didn't care for your safety she just found your filth as an excuse to lock you in your room.

"Life is beautiful." Looking at your pinky you remember what the man said.

"Pinky promise me that you will never stop being a sweet doll in life."

 The Mafias Grande Amore (Diavolo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now