The Lovers (Yaoi)

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"Can't bath with her or dress her up but damn it the moment she comes down those stairs and her hair is messy I'm brushing it! He can suck a dick and choke on it!" Prosciutto mixes the pancake batter aggressively while puffing his cigarette on the side. Risotto fried the bacon and eggs while Gelato and Sorbet set the table. Melone is the first one to sit with a bored expression.

By then you come down the stairs with Diavolo in his shadowed form behind you keeping his eyes on you.

Prosciutto leans his back on the counter with a pinch in his jaw while he holds his cigarette between his fingers. Risotto sets your plate down in front of you sliding his hand on your shoulder without Diavolo noticing. Prosciutto walks up behind you wrapping his fingers on the hairs in front of you and Diavolo grabs his hand standing up quickly choking Prosciutto and Risotto uses his blood to make a knife holding it to Diavolos neck.

"Stop it!"

You squeeze in between Diavolo and Prosciutto softly pushing Diavolo. "He does my hair daddy." You say in the most sweetest way but Diavolos eyes move to the side where Risotto is holding the knife under his chin.

"Risotto!" You step in between and push him away softly as well.

Risotto shutters feelings your body heat close to his it's just so welcoming.

Putting his knife away he turns away giving you a cold shoulder but not meaning to do it. Just for now when Diavolo is around he will act differently.

Sitting back down Gelato as always passes you the basket with the bacon and you thank him. While you eat Prosciutto finishes up your hair and Diavolo feels the blood slide down from his neck. Lucky his shadowed form hides his blood that's pouring down his neck. But Risotto knows very well that his knife cut Diábolos neck.

"Hm? What's wrong love? Where's your plate?" Diavolo looks at you and everyone else whose eating. "I didn't get mine." he responds firmly.

Prosciutto smirks leaning against the counter. "That's not fare." You look at Prosciutto whose eyes are now staring up at the ceiling. Risotto is opening up a wine bottle also ignoring you. Looking around the table everyone Is ignoring you. Sorbet smiles brightly at you and Gelato elbows him softly and Sorbet stops smiling going back to eating.

"Mmmm... Dick heads!" You scream out and Malone chokes on his eggs.

Everyone finally turns to look at your mad blushed face. "What did you say?" Risotto sits up from his chair with a bothered expression looking at you and Melone whose shaking in fear. "I said you are all Dick Heads!" Diavolos eyes widen and a smirk crosses his face. Is it wrong that he's close to getting a boner from hearing you say something you mostly wouldn't.

"You won't be using those words! It's not ladylike of you y/n." Prosciutto says putting out his cigarette.

"I don't care! You mock my husband ! I won't have that ! If you wish to be my bodyguards than I expect you to treat my husband with respect and that is an order!"

Risotto growls slamming the wine bottle down braking it from the force as he walks out. The table turned silent and no one moved only stared down at their meals. But Diavolo slides his arm over your shoulder.

"Mio amore." His hand wraps around your chin squeezing your cheeks till your puckering. Gelatos eyes move up watching Diavolo kiss you roughly but his eyes are sending cold death stares at him. Gelato doesn't back down holding Sorbets hand under the table. Sorbet looks up seeing Diavolo's death stare.

The next day Diavolo left leaving his trust with you for trust is all he can have for you. Trusting you not to cheat on him or develope deeper feelings for Risotto. After seeing your dreams of you just wanting to be with him brought him security but your heart is so soft. Anyone whose kind to you can easily become your friend.

 The Mafias Grande Amore (Diavolo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now