The Evil Minions

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Her first thought was 'I just need to defeat Aojo now' but she realized almost at once that that was not true. The state capital had been wondering for weeks where the Minions who work at the factory have gone and now she realized that she had found the answer. The Minions were lined up surrounding the mountain protecting everyone and everything inside, from outsiders.

"Oh no," muttered Arabella. She had reached a standstill in her mission as she had no idea what to do and how to get past Aojo's evil minions.

"Wait a minute." she murmured, now thinking out loud, "I think I read somewhere that Minions have a weakness towards music, they hate it." Arabella knew that this was her only chance in getting rid of them, so, she whistled a tune to a nearby Mockingjay and off it went towards the minions but instead of running away, they edged closer and closer.

"Ohhhh. I must have read it wrong, they obviously love it," said Arabella loudly. She rethought her plan and instead ordered the Mockingjay into the forest for the Minions to follow.

Arabella heard the bright purple Minions wandering further and further into the forest, she knew that she wouldn't see them for a long time. Up the mountain, she walked until she reached the mossy entrance of the cave where she would meet Aojo. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the cave but was not ready for what she was about to see.

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