Chapter 4

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Karma's POV

Terasaka and I caught a glimpse of her as she took off down the mountain, and followed her as long as we could until we lost her in the city.

"Ugh, this is such a pain in the ass, she probably just went home." Terasaka mumbled.

I ignored him, jogging down different streets. As I picked a left hand turn, I noticed a school bag poking out of an alley. I stopped for a moment before I heard shuffling, distant voices and someone coughing. I started to take a few steps forward before I heard a high pitched scream that was so loud you could probably hear it three streets over.

"HELP!" As soon as I heard that, I knew who it was, and I took off running towards the alley.

Four boys had (Y/N) backed up against the wall, two holding her while the others started to beat the shit out of her. I smirked, they didn't have time to turn around before I sent one of them crashing into the wall with a flying kick to his head. To be cocky, I didn't even take my hands out of my pockets.

My display made the boys drop her to the ground as she began coughing again, clutching her throat.

Bully season. That time already?

Terasaka joined in a few moments later, and we had the boys running and crying like children in a matter of minutes.

"Hey. You good?" I asked her, glancing down. She glared up at me in response, which surprised me a little. Her anger didn't last for long, because she was wheezing again in a few seconds.

Those guys really did a number on her. Lucky we got here before anything too bad happened. Just because I don't know her well doesn't mean I want in her in serious danger.

Terasaka sighed, getting down on one knee and offering her help up. She took it, and put an arm around his shoulder to help steady her.

"See? What have I told you, we all know you're a big softie." I teased him, devil horns popping out of my head.

He blushed slightly and looked the other way, ignoring me.

Does Terakasa have a little crush? I grinned, maybe this would turn out good for me. Finally, some dirt on this guy.

"I'm sorry about tripping you (Y/N), it really was an accident." He apologized as formally as he could manage, then gave me a look telling me to do the same.

"It's alright Terasaka, thank you for saving me." She replied, which made me a little jealous that he was getting all the credit.

I sighed, Korosensei would be pretty mad if I didn't apologize, plus, I kinda liked this girl. She may not be that strong, but she had the sense to call out for help, something most people seem oblivious to. Maybe I could teach her a few basics in self defence. Someone as pretty as her would probably need it at some point.

She's pretty, it's a fact, but still, I don't think she's my type. I reminded myself. I didn't know why, if it was just a fact, I shouldn't feel the need to remind myself I wasn't stating it in another way. I shrugged internally and shook it off.

"Sorry I laughed at you." I said half heartedly, but it seemed to be enough for her.

"I forgive you." She said with a tiny smile.

"You should really go home and get some rest, I'll walk you." Terasaka offered.

She nodded gratefully, which annoyed me. Terasaka did almost none of the work and he was getting all the credit and glory. Beating up bullies is my thing.

"It's fine Terasaka, someone with a skull as thick as yours might freeze up if we found ourselves in another situation like that. I can take her home." I had no idea whose words were coming out of my mouth. I didn't really want to walk her home, did I?

She was kind of annoying, she made us run all this way just to find her.

"Plus, don't you think you're a little tall to be a crutch for her? She's pretty short compared to you~." She gave me a sharp glare, but Terasaka nodded.

"You make a good point. I think I'll just head home anyway, if I walk too much further in this direction, I'll be late getting home." He agreed.

We swapped out and I became (Y/N)'s crutch. It was obvious she wasn't too excited about me taking her back home, but she didn't say anything about it.

We walked silently back to her house as the sun began to sink further and further.

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