Chapter 10

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What do I do?

She slammed me into one of the cabinets, and I ended up crashing through the wooden drawers, making forks, knives and spoons fall down onto my head. I felt a butter knife cut into my hand, which made me flinch.

She started throwing plates and glasses, all of them breaking on contact with either me or the wall behind me.

She filled the kettle with water and set it to boil, and continued to throw things at me, as well as dump a bottle beer on me then smash it on my shoulder. When the water was done, I tried to crawl away, knowing full-well what she intended to do.

"Please... not that!" I begged, my voice hushed and quivering from the trauma.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward her, taking a kitchen knife and cutting away the fabric of my t-shirt, giving her full access to my back. There was now a long, bleeding, red line on my back, and she poured the scalding hot water onto me.

I let out an ear-splitting scream, it felt like my skin was melting off. My scream lasted for almost twenty seconds before I ran out of breath, and the kettle was once again empty.

"Learn to keep your mouth shut." She said, dragging the long pointed heel of her shoe through the cut she made with a knife.

I couldn't keep the screams down though, the pain was so insufferable my vision began to blur, and I was a weakly sobbing mess. I barely even noticed that I had vomited on the floor.

As punishment for that, she stepped on my scalded back with one foot, and pulled me by the scalp up to her, making my body curve unnaturally. As I screamed in agony, she slammed my head into the oven door a few times before I was released.

I slammed my clenched fist into the floor repeatedly, trying to distract myself from the pain. It was absolutely unbearable. My mother kicked me aside, and started driving her high heels into my ribs, making me sob and continue to hit the floor.

I could no longer form words, my body was wracked with waves of agony.

When she had finally finished beating the shit out of me, she once again pulled me by my hair, dragging my still burning back across the floor. I screamed as it caused painful friction on my scalded skin. She pulled me up the stairs and threw me in the closet, My back hitting the wall with a sickening crunch, and suddenly I couldn't breathe. She locked the door and slammed her foot into it, hoping to scare me.

"You won't see the light of day for a good, long while! I hope you've learned your lesson, little bitch! And you know the rule, tell anyone about this, and your life will be a living hell! You'll be punished more than you can even imagine." She warned harshly, taping up the keyhole and blocking the only sliver of light that could be found.

As soon as I heard her walk away, I started to sob heavily, but quietly as my breath returned to me. If she heard, she might drag me back out and beat me even more. I stayed completely still, huddled in the corner. My shirt was almost completely torn off, my skirt was ripped from the broken glass and ceramics. I was bleeding like crazy, so I did the only thing I could think of, I tore my skirt off almost completely and used the cloth to stop the bleeding as best I could. I took my torn up shirt completely off, leaving me in my thin white tank top that was split completely down the back. I tore another triangle shape in my tank top right over my stomach, using every scrap of cloth I could. I everything I had come up with to patch myself up, then went back to sobbing into my knees.

How long is she going to keep me in here? I feel so dizzy and weak, am I going to die before she lets me out? Maybe that wouldn't be so bad, I would never have to suffer through this again. I know when and if she lets me out, she's going to give me an even shorter amount of time to get back into the main building, and when I fail, this will happen all over again.

And then there's Karma... I hope I die before he comes here tomorrow. I can't face him like this.

If that's how you feel, take your bandages off.

"R-right... I should do that. Just let me... wait, what was I... going to do again...?" I couldn't hold onto my train of thought for more than a few seconds.

I felt absolutely broken, my clothes nearly gone, I was burned and bleeding and bruised, and so exhausted. I didn't know what I was thinking, but I only said one thing before I passed out.

" please, h-help me..."

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