Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

I fell backwards, hitting my head on the door making it close. 

"Where have you been?! School ended two hours ago, it shouldn't take you this long to get home!" My mother exclaimed as she pushed my face into the floor with the toe of her shoe.

"I'm sorry Mom, I promise I won't be late again tomorrow." I said.

"I asked you a question! I was worried sick!"

I doubt that, since you're currently shoving my face into the floor. I internally rolled my eyes at ridiculous claims.

"A group of guys attacked me after I accidentally ran into them. A couple of my class-... School mates saw the commotion and helped me out." I can't believe I almost said classmates! She would kill me.

"You got into a fight?!" She exclaimed, stepping harder and making me whimper and shake. She really was terrifying when she was angry.

"Yes Mom, I'm sorry." I replied, but it was muffled by the floor.

She roughly grabbed my arm, removed her foot and pulled me up, making the injuries I got from my fight hurt twice as much.

I cried out as she dragged me up the stairs. My ankle felt like it was on fire. I have no doubt she was making it worse.

She threw me in a broom closet and slammed the door in my face, making the room pitch black.

"You'll stay in there for the night, and no supper! You can think about what you did and what you'll do next time on an empty stomach, I'll decided when you've learned your lesson!" She shouted.

This was the fifth time this had happened. This was her go-to punishment, sometimes it would be more severe, and sometimes she would lock me in here for days.

My mother wasn't a drunk, she had a few beers now and then, but she wasn't an alcohol abuser. She was, however, a drug abuser. She used opium and tobacco frequently, as well as got high on pain killers. In fact, she was usually high at least once a day, but never in public.

We weren't exactly rich, but my father was the founder of a small company, so we did have somewhat of a reputation to uphold. She needed to be sober in front of other people.

My father didn't actually love me or my mother, their marriage was just one of convenience. He looked more respectable if he was married at his age and had children to run the company, and my mother wanted to live a comfortable life with whatever she needed at her fingertips.

She only had child because it was part of the deal they had made. I meant nothing to either of them, and they made sure to let me know. My father wasn't abusive by nature, he just ignored me.

He didn't care who he married, how many children he had to have, or who it was with, so long as he got money and power, it was all worth it in the end to him. I held no respect for either of my parents, and I had tried calling the cops on them once. They took one look around the house and at me and said not to waste their time again. They didn't take the word of a junior high girl over a reasonably wealthy businessman and his wife, who happened to be excellent actors it seemed.

The punishment I got after that ensured that I would never pull a stunt like that again.

By now, I had gotten a little more used to the punishments, but I wasn't ready to accept that this was the only life I was allowed to live. In the closet though, I felt completely helpless. I had always hated the dark, and I became claustrophobic after all my time spent in this little room. I just curled up in the corner and closed my eyes, knowing that I would get no sleep tonight.

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