Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV

That was so embarrassing. I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice Terasaka's foot there. I'm such an idiot, no wonder I got dropped to E Class.

I ran down the hill, headed for my house. As I passed people on the sidewalks, I was given weird looks and soft chatter every once in a while. No surprise, I was an insanely flustered junior high girl running lightning fast down the streets. I knew my face was still red as could be, I was furious that Karma laughed at me like that.

It was bad enough I fell flat on my face, but him acting so high and mighty made me just- ugh!

I stopped paying attention to where I was running or who was in front of me, and ended up crashing into a group of high school boys that were all a good few inches taller than me. I ended up knocking one of them over and falling right on top of him.

This certainly did not help the fact that I was already running from embarrassment. Now I was laying on top of a guy at least a year older than me. If it was even possible, my face grew a shade redder.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, practically leaping off him. Well, almost. Before I could stand back up, the boy caught my wrist.

"That hurt, you little brat. I think you owe us some compensation." He said with a menacing glare.

"Um, what do you mean? I don't have anything, I was just-" Before I could finish, one of the other boys pulled me up and dragged me down the nearest alley, his friends following close behind. There were four boys in total, and I started to get uncomfortable.

One of them stole my bag off my shoulder and dumped it on the ground while the other three kept me backed against a wall.

"There's nothing good in here." He said, joining the other boys as he tossed my bag behind him so that it would be slightly visible on the street.

"Well in that case, we'll just have to try something else. Mess with us, we'll mess with you." Said the boy on the left. Two of them grabbed me by the arms and the other two rolled up their sleeves, balling their hands into fists.

I struggled like mad, begging them to let me go. If they were just going to beat me up, that wouldn't be so bad, not fun, but not as bad. I had no idea who they were, or what they were capable of, and I didn't want to stick around to find out. One boy raised his fist up in the air and struck down, hitting me square in the temple. Man this guy could punch hard.

"I hate to mess up such a pretty girl." The other one said, taking a strand of my (H/C) hair into his palm and examining it. Without hesitation, he pulled my hair forward and sent a strong kick to my stomach, making me cry out and cough. He knocked the wind out of me, but somewhere along the line, I managed to find the breath to let out a loud, ear piercing scream.


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