Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s POV

By the time we got to my house, it was almost dinner time. Even with Karma as a crutch, I still walked really slow. At one point he offered to just carry me on his back, but there was no way in hell I'd let him to that, especially in such a crowded place.

I realized that my parents probably wouldn't want to see a boy helping me get home, especially since they're already so angry about E Class. They did tell me not to interact with any of the students because it might 'lower my intelligence'. They decided to keep a list of the names and faces of everyone in E Class to ensure that I wasn't with any of them.

About a block before making it to my house, I stopped, forcing Karma to stop with me.

"Thank you for helping me, but I can make it the rest of the way on my own. My house is just around the corner." I said, trying to pull my arm off his shoulder.

He let me go with a shrug and handed me my bag that he was carrying on his other arm.

He handed me a scrap of paper with numbers written on it, and I gave him a quizzical look.

"If you manage to fall on your face again before you get home, call me, and I'll come back." He said simply, then turned on one heel and walked in the opposite direction.

I glanced down at the paper, trying to decide wether or not to keep it or throw it down the manhole cover I was standing beside.

I ended with the decision to keep it in my pocket and have it in case I needed it.

The first step I took on my own nearly made me tumble over. My left ankle hurt, probably from when the boys dropped me without any warning. It was probably a little sprain, but it sure hurt right now.

Every step I took, pain flashed through me, I clutched my gut as I walked. My neighbourhood was fairly quiet, because it was filled with rich old snobs, so there weren't any people outside to notice me.

I almost fell when I arrived at my house, but caught myself on the fence.

For my own sake, I shook off the pain and walked into the house as normally and as quickly as I could.

My parents were going to be angry enough that I was late, they'd be even angrier if they knew I got myself into a fight, even if it was just me getting beat up. I didn't have any bruises or cuts on my face, so I was hoping they wouldn't notice. If they beat me up for coming home late, then they probably wouldn't notice someone else had too, and I could blame any injuries they gave me on the fight when talking to Karma or Terasaka, or anyone else in E Class.

As I suspected, the second I opened the door and stepped inside, I was met with a strong slap to my face, nearly causing me to fall backwards.

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