Chapter 7

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Karma's POV

(Y/N) wasn't at school yesterday, and she wasn't here today either. I decided to skip for the day and go to her house, that was if I could find it. She said it was only a block away from where I dropped her, so I would just have to look around the area.

Luckily for me, I knew her last name, so I could look for it on the residential lots until I found hers.

When I found her house, I went up to it and knocked on the door. She lived in a pretty nice neighbourhood.

A woman with long blond hair reaching down to her mid back answered, and looked disgusted when she saw me.

"You're from E Class, aren't you? What do you want?" She asked.

I'll admit, I was a little surprised she knew who I was.

"(Y/N) hasn't been at school for two days, I came to check on her on behalf of class E." I said.

She glared at me.

"(Y/N) is fine, now leave. I'm very busy and I don't have time to answer the questions of pestering children." She said, slamming the door in my face.

Well (Y/N), your mother sure is a pleasant person to talk to.

Something gave me the feeling that I should see (Y/N) with my own eyes. Her mother was pretty vague.

Instead of leaving, I started circling the house, looking in all of the windows trying to find her.

I found a room that looked like it would belong to her, this family only had one child as far as I could tell, and this room definitely wouldn't belong to her parents.

The fact that she wasn't in there struck me as suspicious, and I had already found the bathroom, there was no one in there either. Her room was the last one I checked.

Something is definitely up.

I circled around the house again, checking for an unlocked window. I found that the office window was even open a crack, so I slid it the rest of the way and climbed in.

I started exploring the house, being careful not to attract attention from (Y/N)'s mom. I thought I was going to have to leave without any answers until I came across a door to a broom closet. When I tried to turn the knob, it was locked.


I heard shuffling in the closet, but I wasn't sure how to open it to check inside without making too much noise.

It was suspicious that a broom closet would even have a lock that locked from the outside.

Since I happened to be no stranger to pranking, I did have a little experience with lock picking. I made two tools and started to work at the lock. It took me a few minutes, but I was able to get it open.

Light flooded into the dark closet, and the only think in there was a mass curled up in a corner. I eyed it curiously until it started to move.

"(Y/N)?" I asked, surprised. What is she doing in there?

She looked up at me, dark rings beneath her eyes and a fear stricken look on her face. Her hair was a mess, and the little room was boiling hot. She must have been in here a while.

"What are you doing here, (Y/N)? Why are you in a broom closet, and why was it locked?" She didn't speak a word as I approached her, but when I reached my hand towards her, she slapped it away.

"You need to leave. I don't think my mother let you in, so if you don't leave, I'll call the cops for breaking and entering." She said.

I took a step back. What is going on here?

"Don't tell anyone what you saw here. It's none of your concern." She said coldly.

"Sure, whatever. As long as your content, who cares?" I smirked, standing up.

"But if you're not at school tomorrow, I'll be back." I hissed.

"Until then, here." I tossed her a chocolate bar that was in my pocket.

She caught it and looked it over, it was obvious by the way she looked at it she was starving, but despite that, she threw it back at me.

"Sorry, but when I'm in here, I'm not allowed to eat. Save it for later or something, now go away."

"Alright, alright. I can see when I'm not wanted." I said with my hands up, leaving the closet and closing the door. I left through the window I came in, and decided to wander around town for a while, maybe look for some bullies. After all, I was pretty bored.

At least, that's what I told myself. In truth, I was worried. Not specifically about her, but about what was going on in that house.

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