Chapter 11

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-The next day-

Karma's POV

(Y/n) didn't show up for school, which worried me, especially after what she said ond Friday. I could tell Nagisa and Kaede were thinking about her too. She had become a permanent member of our friend group, and I found myself sneaking glances at her whenever I could.

I was a little angry at myself, I knew I was crushing on her, hard, she was just so sweet and adorable, but she had a voice of her own and she sure knew how to use it. Against most people, at least. She's the perfect balance of dependant and independent, for my standards at least. I'm sure some people would disagree. Oh well, less people I'll have to compete with when the time comes.

But I'm getting off track. When lunch rolled around, and she still hadn't shown up, I decided to go to her house to check on her. I would have to be careful, her witch of a mother might be home, and she made it clear last time that she hated my guts.

I didn't bother to tell Korosensei I was leaving, I didn't want him to ask where I was going. Karasuma already called (Y/n)'s house just after school started too, and her father answered and said everything was fine. I suspected that at least Karasuma had some idea of what was going on, but I did some research on (Y/n)'s family, so I understood why he was hesitant to make any accusations without solid proof.

Her family could pull a lot of strings if they needed to. They weren't overly rich themselves (not that they were poor), but they had a lot of close friends in high places.

When I made it to her house, I didn't even bother knocking, I did a circle around the house, checking every window to see if I could find either of her parents, or even (Y/n) herself would be better. I didn't end up finding anyone in the house though, so I went through the open window at the end of the hall on the first floor. It was the only one open today.

I had a guess at where she might be, as much as I hoped I was wrong. I had a gut feeling telling me I wasn't. I went straight for the closet I found her in last time, and my suspicions were confirmed when I saw that the keyhole had been taped over.

Just as I was about to try the door handle, I heard footsteps coming my way, so I raced to hide in the first room I was sure was open; the master bedroom. I ducked in there as quickly as I could, racing with silent footsteps to hide under the bed. The sheets draped down to the floor, so whoever was out there wouldn't be able to see me.

From the heavy footsteps, I assumed it was (Y/n)'s father, since her mother was pretty small. I heard the footsteps come my way, so I peeked out and saw a pair of feet only a few inches away from me. I heard him rummaging around in the drawer by the bed, and I almost made a sound when he dropped something next to his feet, almost in front of my face. I quickly let the sheet fall back to hide me. I felt relief overwhelm me when I realized what he dropped.

A golden key, and I had a good idea where that belonged. He picked up the key, and I could hear him root around for something else. Once he found what he was looking for, he closed the drawer, and laid down on the bed above me.


I would just have to wait him out. No matter how long it takes, I have to get her out of there. I don't even want to know what they did to her, I'm sure it wasn't good. When she gets locked in the closet, it's usually worse than a few punches and a 'go to your room'. I remember her mentioning that the closet was for extremes punishment, but she never said anything about them taping up the keyhole, and it wasn't like that the first time I found her. Whatever happened, it must have been bad.

I was laying under the bed for what felt like hours before he finally got up and left. I got up a few minutes after he walked out, making sure he wasn't planning on coming back, but soon enough that I would be able to see where he went. I crept down the hall, but didn't make it all the way before I heard the front door open and close. I checked around the corner, and saw a car pull out of the driveway through the window.


I raced back to the bedroom, checking each drawer until I found the key I had seen earlier. I didn't even bother closing the drawer when I ran back to the closet, prying the layers of duct tape off with my fingers.

I heard a slight gasp from inside the closet, then a soft whimper.

"Hey, it's alright, it's me." I said putting the key in the lock and turning it. I swung the door open and let light flood in.

I nearly jumped back when I saw what was inside. Blood caked the floor, dried in pools around a broken-looking, fragile girl that I could barely recognize.


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