Chapter 2 [Edited]

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Chapter 2
"I see and hear you when your not there."

Keystone Cemetery
May your love ones Rest In Peace.

I walk toward the back of the cemetery where her grave sits. Sinking my knees in the moist soil I read the headstone.

Here lies Valerie Walker
A loved daughter and sister, who shall be missed.

I can't read the rest because of my sobs. I always talk to her when I feel alone.

"Sis? I miss you so much. You were my other piece, you were my twin. I-I can't even let people know the real me. Y-you always called me V-Valentine and know I won't even let people call me that. I-I'm lost with-without you. I see and hear y-you when your not there."

I break into an uncontrollable flood of tears. I'm sure my makeup looks horrible and it probably looks like I just rose from one of these graves.

My throat is thick with grief and my heart physically hurts. I try to swallow the large lump in my throat.

My twin sister Val or Valerie died three years ago today. She died from a sudden heart attack in her sleep. Most people don't know about this and the ones that do are my mom, J, and... Ace.

Me, Val, J, and Ace used to all be best friends when we were little. We were all in tenth grade and Ace and Val were dating. We had happily just started tenth grade. Me and Val had a great day and after school we went on a double date. I went with a guy named Tony and she went with Ace. Ace was still his bad boy self, but not as risky. Back then we both had a little crush on each other, but I respected my sister and his relationship so I stayed out of it. After the date Ace pulled me aside from our group. He told me he was going to break up with Val and wanted to date me.

Of course I refused to do that to my best friend and sister. He said he was only going to breaking up with her for me, but I didn't want to hurt her, I told him to forget about it and left with Val. That night we were so tired we were both cranky. We broke into a fight and things were said, those words to this day I only know and regret. She left to her go to her room after the harsh argument. Before we fought she complained about having a headache and feeling bad, and that's when I should have known something was wrong., Val was a person that never got sick. The next morning I went to wake her up and she didn't wake up. Mom called 911 and they claimed she had a heart attack in her sleep, they never said what caused the heart attack.

I hear someone whisper a curse and a loud thump. I spin around and look into the thick bushes behind me. I don't notice anyone or any movement. My nerves hum and my heart thumps against my rib cage like a bird in a cage wanting free.

"Who's there!?" My voice is laced with hatred. Who would watch me grief over a lost one? I swear and walk towards the cemetery's gates. Whoever it is, they aren't getting to take pleasure in watching me grieve anymore.

"V wait!"

I spin around to see J come out of the bushes from where I stood seconds ago. Unbelievable, he was watching me!

"What are you!? A stalker!?"

He stops in his tracks looking confused. I roll my eyes and glare him.

"Why were you watching me!?"

He slowly walks towards me with his hands held in front of him, like he is protecting himself from a wild animal.

"I wasn't watching you. I just didn't want to interrupt you, and would have felt horrible if I did."

My anger eases and I huff, he takes that as a sign to walk closer. He throws his arms around me, enveloping me in his warmth. I break into sobs and cry into his shirt, he squeezes me for reassurance and I just cry harder. I'm so thankful he is always there for me, a few years ago I told him what happened the last night I was with her, but not what I said to her. I can't even think about the hateful words I said to Val, I wish I could take them back. J has hated Ace since I told him about our conversation, and we ignored him since then. I turned into this bad girl and Ace now drives me insane. He acts like my sister dying never happened. He didn't even come to her funeral and never felt the need to comfort me.

The Baddest :Book One: (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now