15 - Rivals pt. 1

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"Are you excited about your football game today?"

"Actually no."


"It's against our rival school."

"The Panthers?"

"Yeah. I'm more nervous than anything."

"You'll do great, I'm sure."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do."


"And I'll be there."

"Wait really?"

"Yup. I go to all of the games. And I also know that you have some beef with the other head person."

"You mean quarterback?"


"He's...a pain in the ass that's for sure."



"You're not going to elaborate?"


"Oh come onnnnn, you gotta tell me."





"A couple years ago we use to be best friends..."

"Then I found out that he was with my littler sister."

"Oh. I didn't know you had a sister."

"She went to a different high school when she was living with my dad.

"Then one night I got a phone call. She was crying—could barely speak. All I heard was 'Jackson' and 'raped' in the same sentence. You have...no idea how angry I was. She was only fifteen—fifteen Audrey.


"I wanted to kill that son of a bitch so bad. He hurt her, and I wanted to hurt him just as bad. But that's not even the worst part."


"The next day I-I...god. I'm sorry."


"The n-next day dad came over, which was pretty rare. He and my mom weren't really—on good terms...I guess you could say. His eyes were red from crying and he looked like...I can't even explain, Auddie. He looked like he lost everything. His world had shattered right under him. That's when he told us what happened. I remember it like it was yesterday."


"He—He was like... 'August, sit down son. I've got to speak to you'. From the moment I saw him at the door—looking broken to hell, I knew something was wrong. He told me my sister committed suicide, Audrey."

"I—I, I don't know what to-to say."

"He said she left me a letter, though. It tore me apart and put me back together at the same time. I cried for weeks, wishing I could hear her voice again."

"W-What did the letter say?"

"You can't know yet."


"She told me when the time was right. And r-right now I uh...have to get ready for...the game.

"Are you sure you can do this?"

"As long as you're there."

"I will be. I promise."


"Good luck, August."

"Thanks for...for listening."


"Alright. Goodbye."

"Talk to you later."


"*sigh*...You're gonna be the death of me, kitten."

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