16 - Rivals pt. 2

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"You did it! You won!"

"I know! It was amazing! I never knew I could run that fast. It's like...I don't even know. All the adrenaline was coming at me during that last thirty seconds."

"I was cheering for you."

"I think I heard. It gave me motivation and I just ran."

"You knocked Jackson right off his ass too—"

"I know! It felt so good."

"When you made that touchdown, you fell right to your knees."

"I was overwhelmed with emotions. That was the first time in twenty five years that our school beat their's in a game."

"The team seemed so supportive, like they knew the real reason you fell."

"They know I hate Jackson."

"But that's not why you wanted to win, not completely."


"She would be proud of you, August."

"So proud."

"I guess it felt like...redemption? Closure? Winning was the least I could do. I pressed charges against him but without proof and word from the victim, they let him go."

"That had to be hard on you, knowing the truth and him getting away like that."

"It was hard for all of us. Carley was a good kid...she helped me with a lot of things, especially my anxiety. But I just couldn't help her enough in the end. Why did she do what she did? Did I fail her that much?"

"It wasn't your fault. She was sad and felt alone even when being surrounded by people. Sometimes certain events can be a trigger for those dark thoughts we hide in ourselves."


"Do you think she's in a better place now?"

"Absolutely. I'm sure she's running up there in the clouds, having the time of her life."

"She would have liked you."


"Oh yeah. Carley always pushed me to talk to girls, saying that I needed friends of the opposite sex. She actually thought I was gay at one point."

"You're not?"

"Ouch, my ego."

"Just kidding, haha. I'm sure she was an amazing person. I wish I could have gotten to know her."

"I wish I knew her better..."


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