30 - wanna play a game?

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"Hey. Whatcha doin?"

"Nothing just...homework. Lots and lots of homework..."

"Oh nice. Yeah, cool."


"I mean awful."


"Wanna play a game?"

"What kind of game?"

"Why'd you say it like that?"


"Oh gross!"


"Reeeeeaaalll mature, Bowman."

"Ok. Ok. What's the game?"

"Its like a get to know each other better game. We take turns in saying 'I wish' or reveal something that would be on our bucket list. If you can't say either, then you have to tell a secret that no one else in the entire world knows."

"Sounds better than this homework. I'm in."

"Ok I'll start. For example, I wish I had a German Shepard. Now it's your turn."

"Umm, I wish it was winter already, not a big fan of the spring to summer transition.

"Good thing it's not summer yet."

"I wish I could go to space and see the stars up close."

"I wish I could see Avengers: Infinity War."

"I heard spoilers—"

"Don't tell me. I don't wanna know. I don't. Wanna. Know."

"Ok haha."


"I wishhh that...my...father was around."

"I wish my sister was alive."

"I wish I never dated Danny."

"I wish I wasn't so anxious."

"I wish my life was normal."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like where I had both a mom and a dad from the beginning. Where I could celebrate Father's Day and...hear lectures about dating boys and stuff."

"Me too..."

"About dating boys?"




"It's funny how you keep getting caught."

"I'm not fucking gay!"

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"Want me to prove it to you?"


"Well you're gonna have to wait."

"Wait for what?"

"Wait until the dance.

"Then I'll prove it to you."

"Now how are you gonna do that?"

"You'll see."

I'm like blown away.
We're growing so fast now.
100 views every like two to three days.
I barely had a chance to breath when we reached 500 before we struck 600.
Next goal? 1k.
I'm challenging all of you.
Let's see how fast we can reach that.
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(p.s. I give recognition to people that comment and vote on every chapter. People that are consistent with this book gets a shout out so keep that in mind)


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