20 - say something, anything...

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^^^Incoming Call From August^^^
^^^Incoming Call From August^^^
^^^Incoming Call From August^^^


"Oh thank god. Listen, just wait and hear what I have to say. There's something I...ugh. Umm, so...I lied about Cindy. She doesn't exist. Well, I'm sure there are Cindy's in the world but I'm not going on dates with one. I'm not going on dates with anyone.

"Why did I lie? Because I was scared. Yeah, the August Bowman was—is afraid of losing you. Whether you know it or not, you're special. Ah, that sounded bad. I mean, you're important to a lot of people. Your mom, your brother, me.

"It takes me awhile to admit things...because I don't want to get hurt. I'm a selfish dick. But guess what? I'm selfish enough to keep you in my life no matter what. I want to be your partner in crime, your phone call buddy, your friend...You are worth more to me than a simple wrong number.

"It's ok if you don't feel the same way. I kinda expected that. I just need to know that we're ok. And that things will go back to the way they were. You being sarcastic. Me calling at two in the morning with random, stupid facts that aren't even true. Just...please. I need you Auddie."





"Say something, anything."


"Who the hell is this and what do you want with my sister?"


Actually, another change sorry haha. This guy is the new character. I said before that the non-main characters will have regular text, but since I'm limited to how I can change perspectives, this new guy will be an additional main character but just has his text as normal.

Audrey's Secret | A Dialogue Story Where stories live. Discover now