29 - did you know...

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"Did you know that there's a technical name for the 'fear of long words'? It's Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophob-


"Did you know the Cookie Monster's real name is Sid?"


"...did you know you're twice as likely to get killed by a vending machine than a shark?"


"...did you know the blob of toothpaste that sits on your toothbrush is called a 'nurdle'?"


"Did you know—"

"Did you know that you're really annoying?"

"Did you know you look cute with a hat on?"


"Lately you've been wearing beanies to school and its really cute. I don't know how you stand them tho, in this kind of heat."

"I'm always cold so they keep me warm..."


"Are you still mad?"


"Ok good. I was worried for a sec that you might back out of our—"

"What? No. I already got the dress andddd your prank was pay back for what I did so I can't be too mad about it."


"Was your brother in on it the entire time?"

"Yeah. I text him while we were calling."


"You just gotta step up your prank game, Auddie."

"Mhm. I'll be sure to do that."


"Hey Auddie?"


"Did you know that the most common types of cancers among woman are: breast, lung, and colorectal?"


"I don't know. I was just looking up random facts. And what you said about your grandma had me curious."

"Oh. Ok."

"Also, I found out that pancreatic cancer usually occurs in older folks like forty five and up but it's rare too so you're good."

"Wow thanks. I was totally concerned I had it."

"I sense sarcasm."

"Your senses are correct."

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