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It was time to announce the next round and its like this tournament. They showed who we were going to face and then some people decided to drop out. Which leaving this group to be uneven so they had to bring in a second year to go against me to make everything more even. But the second year was told to go easy considering I'm a first year which I thought that sucks since I wanted to fight him at his full power. Before we started to fight the other students get to play some games while we prepare ourselves. During that time I decided to make bets on who will win and lets just say I think I going to make a profit.

The first match was Izuku versus shinso. At first shinso was talking to Izuku and something he said made Izuku mad and he talk back but then the weirdest thing happened Izuku froze. Like if he was terrified. Then all of sudden Izuku started to walk to the edge and if he continues he will get himself out.


Katsuki: Dude chill


When I said that, that exact moment Izuku stopped and he snapped out of it. Me being stupid thinking it was me.


Then looking back at him seeing that two of his fingers are broken realizing that he was the one to snap himself out. And then me getting depressed realizing I don't have magical powers.


I kinda always feel bad that Izuku always breaks his bones from his quirk so thats why I keep telling him he has to learn to fully control so he doesn't keep messing them up. Then soon Izuku figured out on how his quirk worked and then attacked they fought each other for a decent minute until Izuku push the shinso out of bounds. And Izuku won.

You: GOOD JOB IZUKU! Ok now wheres my money KATSUKI YOU OWE ME FIFTY

Once I said that katsuki starts running for it.

You: katsuki you bitch YOU BETTER GIVE ME MY MONEY

Next match was me versus the second year which I have no clue what his quirk is or anything. When heading there I saw Izuku going to the stands so I gave him a hug and he wished me luck.

So for once I decided I will be smart about this and try not attack him first because if I do I could die but like that wouldn't be so bad would it but I guess i have to try.

Once we both got there the match started. I step back to give me more distance between me and him. I get my thread ready. Then my ears started to ring. And every second the ringing got louder and louder were it became painful. Soon blood started dripping from my ears. Then the floor started to vibrate making me fall. I was barley able to hear it but I heard mic saying the second year quirk has taken in place vibrations is his quirk. My ears felt like they were going to explode. I stood up use my stitches and stitch myself to the ground so i wont fall and I stitched up my ears to cancel out the vibration noise that he was making. I wasn't able to hear anything now. I used my quirk and stitched him and I started to swing him which was hard because i was stitched to the ground but I tried to swing him out of bounds. But he was able to use his quirk vibrations to send vibrations down my stitches which hit me hard because when the vibrations hit it was weird it was this awful burning painful feeling. That made my stitches come loose and he was free and he ran up to the back of me and touch my back and started to send more vibrations down my body and I looked at my arms and I could see burning I tired to break free from his grasp but i was to weak too. I then grabbed his arm and swing him in front of me and before he was able to stand up i went and stitched his eyes closed. I then undo my stitches on my feet and backed up from him. He then got up trying to figure out a way to get the stitches off. I then felt a slight vibrations and he started heading my direction im guessing blinding him didn't helped. Im assuming that another benefit of his quirk is tracking people. I then ran up to him and kicked him over and tried stitching him to the wall behind him getting him out but it was difficult because every time i tried he send his vibrations through them before im able to let go of the thread. I got some stitches on him but then he send his vibrations making me get burn. It seemed so pointless because it seemed like his quirk had no blind spot every time i get close he uses his quirk and it makes me fall and then he touches me which burns me. All i can see my classmates cheering for me. I then looked around my surrounding to think of anything because this guy is charging straight at me and i cant touch him or i get burned.

I started thinking and I remember how when i was young i used to get burned a lot from cooking and then I started to space out of course i would do and i then started to remember the first time i used a knife. But then I thought wait wasn't i doing something and i felt like a huge hug of vibrations and my whole body was just burning he was picking me up and taking me to the edge but i used my stitches to get me out of his grasp and I ended up at the other side of the arena. I looked to my left and i saw a knife by the entrance and i thought how convenient and i used my stitches to grab it. I thought for a minute and thought thats the only way I hesitated a bit and look at the stands where everybody was just staring at me. Then I proceeded to cut off my forearm. Everybody was so shock and i don't blame them i would be too. Lots of blood was dripping and i used my forearm which i cut off and throw it at him using my stitches to control it and I started to choke him with it he was using his vibrations but my forearm was getting all the burning and all i felt was a little tingle and i then used my stitches to use my forearm to push him and stitch him to the wall behind him. Once I did that he was out. I undid the stitches in my ears just in time to hear pres mic say (y/n) came out victorious and lots of cheering happened.

I went out and grabbed my forearm from my opponent neck and undid all the stitches i gave him. I walked back to the arena and proceeded to stitch my forearm back to the rest of my arm and I slowly started moving it i did this so people dont have to worry about me that much. I looked at my arm and u see my new scar and i got flashbacks about my other ones and what i did to myself and I started to break down i felt more ugly about it i felt like a disgrace and disgusting. Even though no one can see it i can and i felt like a messed up rag doll. I thought was it really worth the win. I saw how everybody was looking at me cry and I stood up and walked away where chiyo came up to me and guided me to the nursery room. She helped all my burns and she knew why i was crying and she comfort me until i felt better and accepted the fact i have a new scar but she said this one is different from the rest which helped a bit. I then took a good looked at my arm and gave myself a smirk and looked myself in the mirror and told myself well deal with it bitch.

Chiyo told me my injuries were to much and that they won't let me continue in the the tournament. Even though im fine they said the way you cut your arm and all your burns and last round how many time you got shock they believe that I should not be able to continue. I got mad and i said whatever i opened the door seeing Izuku there giving ne a big hug seeing katsuki next to him and shouto in the back looking like he doesn't care about anything.

You: what you guys doing here

Izuku: (letting go) we came to check up on you

You: guys im fine lets just go back cuz you two over there katsuki and shouto your fight is almost up and i bet money that you guys are gonna win so i need to go and see.

We then walked back waiting for the next round. Pres mic also announced how I would not be continuing anymore. Which lots of people took shock too. I really wish I could continue but i have no control on it which sucks alot. Next round was shouto versus sero. Lets just say that it was an easy win for shouto during the fight the only thing was that he was kinda scary but thats it. I ran down to him and I could tell he was tense. I told him he did amazing and stuff but he just walked away and sorta ignored me and that didn't hurt at all not one bit. He just walked away and I yelled to him okay then friend thanks for winning cuz i won some money now. I then proceeded to walk back to the stands and go cheer for katsuki.

[Izuku midoriya x shouto Todoroki x reader x katsuki bakugou] stitching loveWhere stories live. Discover now