When they left

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The weekend was finally here it was Friday school was over and we all were in the main area just watching movies together. It was late at night and a group of students to be exact izuku, ochaco, tsu, and kirishima were called for their internships they all we working together so they had to leave during the movie to go to their agencies that they are apart of.

As for I, I decided to also leave during the movie because I've seen this movie way to many times and I find it annoying by now. So I got up and was going to head to my room, but shouto decided to come an join me.

You: damn shouto you following me now

Shouto: no not really I just got bored of the movie so I was also gonna head to my room

You: oh alright same here just got bored of the movie

Shouto: hey do you wanna hang out in my room for a bit If you want

You: I mean yah sure why not

We head to his room and we both sit on his bed and we just talked about the most randomness things. We talked about the provisional training and the fact lots of penguins are in fact gay. Soon we ran out of topics and I asked him the one question that has been in my mind

You: hey shouto do you like me and not in a friend kinda way katsuki mention something about it so I just wanna ask (looking away)

He was quiet for a bit which made me feel uneasy

Shouto: honestly yes I do (lifts my head up) I really do like you, you are so beautiful, I love your personality and how you can make me laugh anytime you want you always brighten my day, I really think you are so amazing

We sat in quiet for a bit looking at each other, we didn't even notice how our faces were getting closer to each other, to the fact that our lips connected. He places his hand on my cheek and both my arms wrapped around his neck. At this point it became a whole make out session with him even pushing me down on the bed and kissing my neck.

I knew it was wrong for having kissing 3 boys that I never returned their feelings for and the fact Im leading on 2 of them or even all of them. It breaks my heart that I keep leading them all without me trying to but honestly I just really like them all. And its hard to resist kissing them when I just want too. Honestly Im such a horrible person.

In the middle of our make out session someone started knocking on the door. We immediately pulled away just looking at each other blushing so much. Shouto went to grab the door and I grabbed a blanket to hide under. Then I recognized a familiar voice it was katsuki I just wanna to die right at that moment like kill me.

Shouto: what do you need

Katsuki: dude why are you so fucking red like you normally red as is with that scar of yours but dude like I cant even notice where your scar begins cuz how red you are, like is it hot in your room or what

Shouto: if you came here to make fun of me goodbye

Katsuki: shut up, I got word that the provisional training is on Sunday so just letting you know I tried to tell (y/n) but I cant find her I tried her room no response same with texting so she probably sleeping so if you see her just tell her alright

Shouto: hm alright got it thats it

Katsuki: dude you sick or something your neck is so red like (shouto slams the door in his face and you could hear katsuki yelling calling him a bitch)

I got out of the blanket and we both just stare at each other blushing. He goes and sits back down on his bed. I then grab his face and continue kissing him and continuing our make out session. After awhile we stopped as it was getting late everyone was in their rooms so I left his room and quietly went back to my room. When I got back I hid under my covers wishing that I would drop dead already.

I woke up early that morning and I didn't want to go down at first but I was hungry so I went to go get something to eat. I went downstairs and there were already other of my classmates here it was mostly the girls as the boys like to sleep in longer.

Then the girls started to question a bruise on my neck, I automatically replied it probably was from the provisional training we took even though I still didn't know what bruise they were talking about. And they started to joke around saying but I don't remember seeing it before and is that a hickey. When they said hickey I remember last night, so I automatically replied with no it was from the provisional training trust me who would I even make out with in this class trying to deflect any of their assumptions.

I then speed walk to the nearest bathroom and looked in the mirror and I see two big hickies on my neck and I immediately started blushing. I walked out covering them with my hand and head to my room then I see shouto and I noticed he also had some on his neck which made me blush more so I ran towards him grabbed his hand and took him straight to my room. Out of breath when we finally get in my room and him being confused.

Shouto: what's wrong

I grabbed a mirror and gave it to him and pointed to his neck once he saw he started blushing and even more when I showed him mine

You: see the problem

Shouto: umm yeah what do we do

You: I have makeup that I can try to cover it up with so no one can suspect anything

I sat shouto down on a chair and started to cover it up with makeup

Shouto: um hey (y/n)

You: yeah (focusing on covering it up)

Shouto: I told you how I feel so I just wanted to ask how do you feel about me do you like me do you want to be with me

You: (blushing becoming nervous) umm can I get back to you Im sorry but please im really sorry

Shouto: okay thats fine but you should know your words and your actions are saying two completely different things and you should know im not gonna wait forever for you to respond to my feelings so please do it soon

You: alright

After awhile I finished covering them up and I told him that he can go now so I can cover up mine now and he left. I begin to work on mine but I looked into the mirror and just started crying. I was talking down on my self so much calling myself a bitch, telling myself Im a horrible person, and saying so much different things. Is it possible to like more then 1 person at once I asked myself. Maybe it is but its not alright for me to mess with their feelings or to lead them all. I was so disappointed in myself. I barley left my room that day as I was a crying mess and I hated myself for not understanding my feelings.

Later that day the students who left for the internships came back. We all saw on the news what has happened and thanked them for being okay and much more but that day I went to be early as tomorrow is our provisional training.

[Izuku midoriya x shouto Todoroki x reader x katsuki bakugou] stitching loveWhere stories live. Discover now