Katsuki ending

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Before I go up to them I try to think and review what Im going to have to say to them. Like this is hard like omg Im so nervous so scared and just overall overwhelmed with a mix of different emotions. I calm myself down and took a deep breath in and out. And remember that no matter what happens I have to do this today.

I call Izuku and told him to meet me up away from everyone.

Izuku: today is a very beautiful day isnt it

You: yup it is

Izuku: okay I'm ready I mentally prepared myself for this moment go ripe it off like a bandage very quickly

You: huh

Izuku: go reject me I always knew I never stood a chance against those two but you showing any type of feelings towards me made me happy but I know one of those two belong in your heart I mean come on I never stood a chance so hurry say it

You: izuku... I- um I really want us to stay good friends I really like you as one of my Bestfriend but you right im going to have to reject you and I know it sounds awful but izuku you are amazing you dont need to compare yourself to them you stand out in your own way and you always had a chance there many other girls better then me wanting a chance with you just can we stay friends

Izuku: of course we can and thanks now go off you got more people to visit

I gave him a hug and left to find the other two I look around and see katsuki. The guy who im in love with. I see him standing there looking fucking hot like always making me wanna just go over there and kiss him. I seen him talking to other girls which just made me feel very jealous and at that moment my body took over and my mind went completely blank. I went by him and grabbed his shirt sleeve and brought him behind a building.

Me panicking knowing that I grabbed him without thinking how im gonna confessed to him. I dont know why I did that aahhh.

You: kat-

Katsuki: you know how everything is right now is so perfect its nice and quiet and the moon light is hitting your face beautifully at this angle and we by ourselves and all I want to do is just kiss you right now even though I don't know your answer is I just really wanna ki-

You: then do it

Katsuki: huh

You: then kiss me (steps closer to him) right now you right this is perfect

He grabs me and pushes me against the wall and starts to kiss me without holding back he even put his tongue in. This kiss was hot it full of passion. I kiss him back trying not to let him dominate me but then he pulls back.

Katsuki: wait what does this mean

You: I love you katsuki that what it means I love you and I want you, I want you, and I want you, I wanna just be me and you I want you to love me back and I want to be your girlfriend because I love you insanely amount (blushing)

Katsuki: (blushes) I love you too and I want you to be my girlfriend aswell I want what you want

You: then it settle we love each other and we are dating now

Katsuki: I guess so (goes back to kissing me)

He kisses me more passionately then before, he t his down to my neck and kisses me more there. His kisses feel so nice against my skin, before things got to intense I push him back and look at him. He was blushing like crazy and I bet I was too.

You: i need to go settle one more thing first

Katsuki: huh- oh okay just text me cuz I wanna finish what we left off

You: haha maybe we gotta finish this some other day but I will text you

I go leave and search for shouto which after what happened my mind cant think straight. Once I find him I took him somewhere with not some many people. I move my hair as It was getting hot.

You: um so shouto um I- (I see him staring at my neck I thought maybe theres a bug on my neck so I touched it)

Shouto: (pulls up the jacket I was wearing) you don't have to say anything I completely understand more then enough, you might wanna cover that with makeup, but luckily this jacket covers it for now, (me realizing that katsuki must have gave me a hickey)

You: shouto can we still be friends can we not change what we had bus buddy

Shouto: thats a dumb question of course nothing will change between us it might be awkward at first but Im pretty sure we go back to normal soon enough bus buddy, I respect your decision

You: thank you shouto ( I gave him a hug and then left)

I texted katsuki and we met up again we spent the rest of the festival together with his arm over my shoulder and he gives occasional kisses on top of my head.

During this time nothing can express the amount of love I have for him.

[Izuku midoriya x shouto Todoroki x reader x katsuki bakugou] stitching loveWhere stories live. Discover now