The effects of not passing

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(A/N: this chap is kinda boring but thats bc theres really nothing much to talk about in this section you'll see)

I finally returned back to school and before leaving I yelled at those two saying goodbye losers. I walked to class with shouto today.

You: hey did you miss me (nudging him)

Shouto: I dont know should I

You: damn you bully fine then good bye

I then ran 9 feet in front of him which was lots of work just saying.

Shouto: hey I was joking

I then turn around and waited for him to catch up to me

You: well then look who came walking back

Shouto: what can I say

We continue to walk together but then I remember what katsuki said yesterday even though shouto never confessed to me I always had some feeling that maybe he liked me back but I shouldn't say that until I know for a fact. We got to class and I tried to catch up for the days that I missed but it didn't really matter because It was all about internships to join after you have your provisional license but guess what my butt didn't have one. During lunch shouto helped me register for the provisional license lessons that we will need to take. After a boring day we went back to the dorms and I stayed in my room practically the rest of the day trying to figure out my feelings.

It was the next day and izuku finally came back he was really motivated to catch up but I decided to walk to school today by myself listening to depressing music, during my walk I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder it was shouto he asked what's wrong because I seemed sad today and I told him that I just feel sad today and that I lowkey kinda wanna cry for no reason and I started to laugh and thank him for asking about how I felt.

We got to class and when class started 3 students came in they were 3rd years and not only that they were the top 3 students in our school they came to talk about internships but too bad I cant participate in that but it was very interesting to get to know them. One of the girls I think it was Hadou she asked us so many questions. She asked me If I cut myself and stitch back up and lets say the way she worded it and that question gave me a little bit of ptsd but I just laughed it off because she moved on to shouto and asked about his scar then mineta about his balls the one on his head and many more.

Their personality were so opposite of each other it was quite funny. But thats when mirio decided to take all of class 1-A on just to show off his quirk so we went to gym to fight him. Shouto and I stayed out of this fight since we dont have our provisional license but omg he was amazing he knocked half of them out in only seconds it was crazy to see. He than managed to get everyone else. Afterwards he goes and explains his quirk which was such a cool quirk like what, I want it besides the fact your clothes leave your body.

The school day soon finished and we came back the dorms and see katsuki still cleaning and yelling at everyone to pick up your trash it was very funny. Everyone was started to plan their internships besides me and shouto as we both failed the exam, but you know its whatever. Tomorrow will be our first lesson that we will have to take.

It was the next day and aizawa continue to talk about the internships that I couldn't care less about BECAUSE I CANT DO IT. But after school today katsuki, shouto, and I have to participate in our first lesson which I have no clue what It will even be about. After school ended we all walked there I stayed behind them because I just felt awkward because of what katsuki said and I wanted to give me distance of those 3 so I can figure out all my feelings first.

(Theres barley no info on the first lesson besides they got really beaten up and the students think it was a modern sparta so yah)

After the lesson we all get back to the dorm late at night and we were all got really bad bruises and cuts so I offered to heal them a bit and wrapped them up and gave them badges in my room I did the same to myself.

Honestly the next two days were pretty much the same there wasn't much we could do. But ever since izuku started the internship he has been stressing out more and less focused so during lunch we asked what was wrong but he said everything was okay I could tell he was lying but there's probably a good reason to it so I didn't pry to much about it.

[Izuku midoriya x shouto Todoroki x reader x katsuki bakugou] stitching loveWhere stories live. Discover now