Provisional license

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I ended up getting three hours of sleep I wasn't able to go to sleep without having a nightmare so I decided to stay up and do physical therapy for my arm by stretching it and make sure I have full mobility. Since I barley got any sleep I got ready and was the first person done. People were surprised I was up early but i just couldn't sleep.  When leaving the dorms I heard someone walking behind me I turned around and it was katsuki.

You: well hello again

Katsuki: did you even manage to get any sleep

You: honestly no I didn't but it's whatever as you know I like getting there early anyways

Katsuki: yah same here sleep is overrated anyways

You: (laughing) yes definitely insomnia for the win

We ended up walking to school together. I gave him one of my earbuds so we can listen to music together. I choose my favorite playlist and started playing it.

Katsuki: what the fuck is this

You: hey dont judge

Katsuki: your music taste is trash

You: But I bet its way better then yours

Katsuki: pass me your phone

I passed him my phone he searches for his favorite playlist and starts playing it. He starts jamming to it.

You: and you judging me for my taste of music

Katsuki: hey this is the best type of music ever (continues jamming to it)

Though it was something I wouldn't normally listen to it's actually pretty good. We eventually made it to school and we enter the classroom no one was there and usual we were the first ones. We both go to my desk he pulls a chair next to me so we can continue listening to music. I grabbed my phone and I put my favorite song on and start jamming to it and singing it to him. He looks at me with a weird face but I couldn't care. And just to annoy him I put the song he hates most in the entire world which is baby by Justin Bieber.

Katsuki: change this shit


Katsuki: I hate you so much

You: (laughing) surrreeee

He grabs my phone and changes the song after awhile more of our classmates came in. Katsuki moved back to his seat as iida was complaining how he should be in his seat. Aizawa actually managed to come in earlier then the usual today.

He starts talking about the provisional license and how we will need to come up with two new super moves and I was like ummmm okay im just gonna head over there as Im uncreative and making up new moves will be interesting. And everyone else was like super excited about that. We all changed to our costumes and head to the gym aka the TDL. They set up a terrain were we break these rock walls and find out what are new super moves will be and how we can upgrade our costumes.

I look at the rock walls/pillars and think really hard. Someone who was helping out came up to me ask what Im thinking. This was my idea my threads are really strong it hard to nearly impossible to break out of them, so I thought that I wrapped my stitches around the rock wall/pillar that if I squeeze my threads really hard to get closer to each other I'll be able to break it in half. I told the guy my idea and he loved it he told me to try it. I see katsuki doing this with ease and wish I can be more like him super strong and able to come up with new moves easier and not to mention HOT.

[Izuku midoriya x shouto Todoroki x reader x katsuki bakugou] stitching loveWhere stories live. Discover now