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A/n: because the next chapter is taking eons, here's some quotes you will expect to see.

"love at first sight is for suckers ya limp noodles"

"uh I'm Evan" "Great! Nice to meet ya Davey" "but that's not even close to my-" "Well it is ta me" still confusion. "Look, if ya turn Dave backwards..." "Evad?" "Told youse it's close" face palm

"Just 'cause I's short don't mean I's 10"

"you boys are so brave for doing this I think its incre- ...I've always wondered why everyone but me here has a weird accent..."

"why theys call a pretty girl like you 'Ike'?" "Uhhhhh... long story"

"Any shorter and you'd fade out of existence"

"Seize the Gay!!" "I'm sorry did you say gay?" "No."

"Why don't we leave it for a day or two... turn it all off for a while? They'll get the memo."

A/n: if ya haven't guessed I'm doing a giant newsies au, if ya haven't watched it, do it, it's on Netflix. I've still got a lot to write though XD honestly I need to stop.

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