Chapter 5

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Linetta's POV

We left the entrance to see a large beautiful field. The grass was moving from the breeze and the sun was high in the sky. "It's so beautiful!" I exclaim and Link nods his head. We were told to go to the castle and meet Princess Zelda, she will know what to do. We saw a castle in the distance and realized that is where we had to go. I was carrying the Kokiri Emerald and was being very careful with it.

"We have to go there to meet the Princess" I pointed to the castle. We walked there, taking in the beautiful scenery. "So this is what the world looks like? It's amazing. I wish we left earlier" Link said. I playfully punched him in the arm. That wasn't very nice of him. As we continued walking to the castle, I was messing with the Emerald. I touched a creating place and there was a blinding light. I covered my eyes with one hand.

After looking, I saw a necklace with green lacing. It had small brown bead around it. There was a copper pendant with a tree carved into it. "What?" I asked, confused. Why is there a necklace? I thought. I picked up the necklace and Link took the Emerald. I carefully put the necklace on. "Let's just keep moving" Link said. I nodded. After a long time, we reached the castle. We entered the large gates and were in a city. It was so big. There were so many people. (I'm going to make them meet Zelda like in the manga).

We saw some good looking good and ate it, it looked delicious. "Do you have money for that?" a menacing man asked us. "Money?" I asked. "What's money?" Link finished. "Thief! you little brats! you have to pay for that!" he yelled, picking us up. Agh! I'm afraid of heights. He took the Emerald. "Hey! give that back!" Link yelled. "Listen to my brother!" I yelled as well. "Give him back the Emerald. I'll pay for him" a blonde girl said from the crowd around us. She is so pretty. The man put us down. She gave him a diamond like thing that appears when you cut grass. "200 rupees?!" the man exclaimed. We got the Emerald back. We left with the girl. "Thank you for helping us back there. My brother can be-" I was cut off. "We have to go" she said, dragging us.

We were by a fountain. We explained every thing to the girl. I was beginning to like her. "So you're from the forest? And trying to give the Emerald to Princess Zelda?" she asked. "Yes, which is why we have to go to the castle now. Thank you!" Link said. "Wait!" we turned back, "the Garda there are really strict. I'm a good friend of Princess Zelda. I can help you get to her". "Really? You'll help us? Thanks!" we said. "But in return, you have to play with me today" she said. "Okay" we heard feet clamping. She hid behind the fountain.

"Young man, have you seen a noble girl around here? She has blonde hair and blue eyes" a tall lady asked. She had guards behind her. "N-no m'am. We haven't. I'm sorry" I answered for Link. They left. "Thanks" the girl told us. Ivan flew by my ear. "Hey, Linetta, are you sure about this? There's something strange about that girl." He does have a point. She hasn't even told us her name. "Well, yeah. But she said she can take us to see Princess Zelda" I answered. "She's really cute" I heard Link whisper. I tugged at his ear. "Ow!" he tried getting to let go. We went to a store with get and she bought something. She came back with a big bag. " I bought a bunch!" They look like heads! "the shop keeper gave me extra because he thinks I'm cute!" she squeals. I really like her.

A bit later we arrived at a place with a sign that read bomb-chu bowling. What is that? as of on queue, "Bomb- chu bowling? What's that?" Zelda said. We went in. "Yay! this is fun!" me and the girl exclaimed. "Hey, what is Princess Zelda like? Is she pretty?" Link asked. "Yeah, I guess" the girl answered. "Nah, I bet she's ugly" he let another bomb go. I saw the girl make a bomb go torqued Link. BOOM! "Whaaaaa?" he was all dirty. I started laughing.

We went to a mask shop and bought masks. This is so much fun! next we went to shooting ripped for prizes. The day, sadly, was over. We went to a well. "The day is over. Thanks for today. I... wanted to see what it is like, even just once, to go shopping and pay by myself, and play... just like a normal girl." She said. "Your name. Tell us your name" She knows my name is Linetta and where're already like sisters "My name is Link" he said. "Let's play again sometime" I said. "I'm," whoosh! women with swords appeared in front of us. "Girl! we know who you are! Hand over the Ocarina of Time!" she pointed the sword at the girl. She tried running. "You can't escape!" they yelled, about to hit her. Link blocked with his sword. Someone else was coming. They ran away. "Wait!" Link and I yelled going after them. We lost them and went back. The girl isn't here. "Huh? where did she go?" I asked. "She probably went home. Girls can be a fickle. Look!" he pointed at the ground and I saw a blue ocarina.

The next day

We entered the castle into a little garden. We saw the princess looking out a window, her back to us. "Link, Linetta..." she said. What is that? "Y-you're Zelda?" Link asked. Was that girl actually Zelda?

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