Chapter 2-A New Home

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A/N oooh another chappie..I love writing even tho it's 1:09 am hehe. Idgaf!

Okay here it is! The POVs will change sometimes.






Louis' POV

We soon arrived to our flat, and I realized that our new hybrid pet, Emily, had fallen asleep.

I chuckled softly and smiled, thinking it may be odd for me to carry her inside, so I gently shook her shoulder.

"Wake up, kitten.." I whispered, the hybrid's eyes opening in response. I kept smiling.

"We're home." I said softly, but happily, and she eagerly looked out the car window, but didn't leave my side.

I smiled and waited for the rest of the boys to get out, unbuckling her seatbelt, then mine.

I got out first, holding my hand out to lead her inside, and she took it, but hesitantly.

She was shy..I could tell. I mean, who wouldn't be shy in her place? She's never been adopted according to the staff at The Institute, and hasn't talked to us yet. Of course she was shy.

She was cute, though. And I knew that she would fit in here..






Emily's POV

Louis offered his hand to me, and I hesitated for a moment or two, but took it and got out of the car, looking up at the large building.

It was their flat, and I was quite pleased with what I saw. It was very large, and looked to have at least 10 bedrooms in it, considering it was about three stories high.

Wow..I wondered if they had any other hybrids? I hope not. I mean, I kind of liked them..?

No. You don't like I..? I..don't know yet..

Louis started to lead me inside, closing the door behind the boy's and I when we got in.

I let go of his hand, my eyes searching the room.

Usually, whenever I thought of being adopted, I'd think about finding escape routes. But, I decided not to. I mean..these boys wouldn't hurt me, right?

I looked at each of the boys, waiting for instructions like I usually would at The Institute.

The boys stood awkwardly, not completely sure what to say.

I tugged on my collar, wanting it off. Louis noticed and came over to me, taking it off, and I actually smiled at him.

Liam then spoke.

"Zayn..why don't you show Emily her room?" He said, and I looked at the black-haired boy who Liam was speaking of, waiting for him to lead me.

Zayn nodded and gestured for me to follow, and I did. We walked up one flight of stairs until we reached a very long hallway.

It had three doors on one side, three on the other. Bedrooms, I guessed.

Zayn pointed to one of the rooms. "This is my room." He said, then pointed to the one next to it. "Liam's." Then the next. "Niall's."

He turned and pointed to the other doors. "Louis'." He said, then pointed to the room next to it. "Harry's." Then the last door.

"And this yours." He said and smiled, gesturing me to come in as he opened the door.

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